To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe On the whiteboards: Who had most responsibility in the Sioux tribe?
Key vocabulary: collaboration Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe Key vocabulary: collaboration Even better learning To evaluate the importance of different roles in the tribe (Grade A/A*) Great Learning To explain how the social structure helped the tribe to survive (Grade C/B) Good learning To describe the different roles played by members of the Sioux tribe (Grade E/D) SMSC: social structure of the Sioux
Our Learning Journey I can explain how the Plains Indians survived on the Great Plains To understand the traditional way of life of Plains Indians I can use appropriate vocabulary to discuss Plains Indian culture I am developing examination skills: Images of Plains Indian culture Impact of Manifest Destiny Living in a tipi Buffalo hunting Spiritual beliefs fighting techniques I can use appropriate words and phrases to discuss Plains Indian culture I am developing GCSE skills source inference skills extended writing independent research Key words
What can we learn from this source about Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe What can we learn from this source about the social structure of the tribe? (4 marks) Peer assessment
Writing a simple statement such as ‘there is a chief’ (1) Progress Check Writing a simple statement such as ‘there is a chief’ (1) Making a point without any supporting evidence (2) Making one point supported by evidence from the source (3) Making two points supported by evidence from the source (4)
To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe How did the social structure help the tribe to hunt buffalo?
Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe Research project Section 2: How did the social structure of the tribe help Plains Indians to survive on the Great Plains? Please follow the instructions on the task sheet Due:
Key vocabulary: collaboration Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe Key vocabulary: collaboration Even better learning To evaluate the importance of different roles in the tribe (Grade A/A*) Great Learning To explain how the social structure helped the tribe to survive (Grade C/B) Good learning To describe the different roles played by members of the Sioux tribe (Grade E/D) SMSC: social structure of the Sioux
How did the social structure of the tribe help the Sioux to Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe How did the social structure of the tribe help the Sioux to survive on the Great Plains? (9 marks) Make a big point Resourceful; collaborative Organise supporting evidence in a hierarchy The main reason Explain how this helped the tribe to survive This meant that…
To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe Marking criteria Marks The answer directly answers the question. Hierarchy language is used to prioritise roles within the tribe. Points are supported by precise evidence. 7-9 marks A detailed description of the social structure of the Sioux tribe. e.g. when the male hunters brought the buffalo back to the camp the women and children prepared the food 4-6 Simple statements about the social structure of the tribe. e.g. There was a chief One mark awarded for each correct statement. 1-3 Progress check
To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe Learning Objective: To investigate the social structure of the Sioux tribe