How to Register for PayPams The program that will allow you to check your child’s CNP account, add money to that account….see what was purchased and more.
What do I do first? Register!
My selection. . .
Parent Information goes on this page
This page has your information on it, at this time you should check and make sure all the information is correct. If it is correct, then click on submit.
Now add your children, one at a time.
I added my son’s name and (DOB) Date of Birth, and clicked add, then the next page showed his grade and school.
At this point you will see that you are logged into your account Now you can click on add (above) and put additional children in the program.
From the Main Menu you can Select any of these boxes. If you would like to receive an email notification if the account gets below $$ $ $ you may click on E-Mail Notification
If you choose this option and place a price…. be sure to Update your page
When you complete your transactions….please log out When a website has an address that starts as https:// it is secure