HL7UK and the Supplier Community HL7 UK and the Supplier Community - Mike Robinson 12 December 2003 HL7UK and the Supplier Community Dr Mike Robinson
Relation to National Programme for IT Plea for more involvement Agenda Membership of HL7UK Activity in HL7UK Relation to National Programme for IT Plea for more involvement 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
There are some notable exceptions, but the generality is true Membership types Generally speaking: Standards developers develop standards These are frequently Individual members Health care system suppliers implement standards These are usually Organisational members There are some notable exceptions, but the generality is true 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
General Membership March 2001 December 2003 19 Organisational members 21 Personal members December 2003 5 Benefactors 72 Organisational members 78 Personal members 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Board Membership 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Technical Committees V2 V3 Small group of suppliers defined how they were using V2 and then adopted and documented the relevant parts of the V2 standard for use in the UK V3 Larger group, mixed audience, attempting to understand and influence the emerging V3 standard 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Implementers are those who have to use the developed standards Problem Implementers are those who have to use the developed standards But – Standards developers are not often implementers So – Implementers should lead standards development Because – Standards developers may become remote from implementation issues 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Heavily supplier oriented Successful because: HL7.org Heavily supplier oriented Successful because: Implementation drivers Early adopters Commercial pressure to develop solutions Supplier buy-in 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
HL7UK Early on Now Needs Developer heavy Implementer light More equal balance BUT most work still being done by developers Needs More commitment from suppliers 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
GP to GP record transfer Example of collaborative effort Message definition project Led by NHSIA Consortium of system developers, led by University of Newcastle BUT Early engagement with GP System Suppliers Led to active involvement of implementers 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Healthcare Interoperability Forum Loose arrangement of suppliers HCIF Another example Healthcare Interoperability Forum Loose arrangement of suppliers Focussed efforts on existing and emerging message flows Now superseded by National Programme 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Significant influence on development NPfIT Significant influence on development Recent upsurge in membership of HL7UK Open to influence Willingness to share information about emerging standards Engagement with suppliers NEEDS FEEDBACK 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Organisational members should lead standards development Proposal Organisational members should lead standards development Requires significant commitment from commercial companies Significant role for current standards developers, working for implementers 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Standards are not implementable Possible delays to National Programme Dangers Standards are not implementable Possible delays to National Programme Lack of supplier interest 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003
Drive the standards development – YES In Summary Plea Join HL7UK – YES Observe – Yes Contribute – YES Drive the standards development – YES Influence the HL7UK organisation – Yes 12th December 2003 HL7 UK Conference 2003