AGATA Today at GANIL 12 Triple Cluster and 1 Double Cluster (38 detectors) on site ATC1 core B oscillating after capsule change ATC9 core B : high Voltage.


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Presentation transcript:

AGATA Today at GANIL 12 Triple Cluster and 1 Double Cluster (38 detectors) on site ATC1 core B oscillating after capsule change ATC9 core B : high Voltage line issues ATC13 delivery on the 21st of March ATC1 and ATC9 fixed last week of March ATC13 and ATC9 back in the array, ATC1 stays in the lab, cold  2017 total should be 38 detectors max 24 ATCA channels running 11 GGP channels running (7 GGP from GALILEO installed on 20th of March and swapped with non-working AGATA channels) 12 DIGOPT12 installed (1 has Power issues) Max available channels will be 36 channels ATC1 will remain as spear for the 2017 campaign GANIL Trigger Processor tests on-going

2017 run LaBr3 campaign – VAMOS backlog FATIMA-PARIS detectors coupled to AGATA and VAMOS (4 experiments) Mechanical integration …done Electronic/Data flow coupling … 95% done Detailed simulations to evaluate the impact on AGATA performances' … done Magnetic shielding … done Courtesy I. Burrows

The beam schedule has been released by GANIL. Five experiments will be performed between May and July: The AGATA experiments are : A. Jungclaus [4/5 to 11/5] : AGATA + Annular DSSD P. Regan [22/5 to 27/5] : AGATA + FATIMA P. John [28/5 to 6/6] : AGATA+FATIMA W. Korten [17/6 to 27/6] : AGATA+FATIMA+VAMOS+Plunger S. Leoni [10/7 to 24/7] : AGATA+PARIS+VAMOS+DSAM Possibly a 3rd run in Automn 2017, to be confirmed. If Scheduled,: the A. Lemasson (AGATA-VAMOS), C. Schmitt (AGATA-VAMOS) and M. Camano (VAMOS) will be scheduled. As a general guide line April will be devoted as much as possible to setting the experiments ie calibration and check of AGATA, installation of the DSSD and FATIMA. ~94To for 125 UT Very tight schedule which required a detailed planning and there is no room for major problem and modification (see plan there ) Next Analysis workshop organized in GANIL by the end of 2017 No news from the GANIL management about the next PAC

Local team : EC and Hongjie Li (Post-doc) + Technical Support Magda Z. and Gary S. are visiting GANIL for 4 months [ April-July] for the running period Call for a new post-doc, starting in Summer 2017 (2 years) to cover the NEDA-Campaign 2 scientific papers approoved and published M.Klintefjord, et al Measurement of lifetimes in 62, 64Fe, 61, 63Co, and 59Mn,, Phys.Rev. C 95, 024312 (2017) J. Dudouet et al. 9636Kr60 -- Low-Z boundary of the island of deformation at N=60, Accepted Phys. Rev. Lett (March 2017) E. Clément, et al Conceptual design of the AGATA array at GANIL, NIMA 855, 21 May 2017, Pages 1-12

2018 run NEDA campaign 8 experiments approved using AGATA+NEDA (+DIAMANT) (+LaBr3) (+plunger) STFC-LNL-GANIL IPNL-CSNSM-GANIL The final mechanical design of NEDA + NWALL foresees the use of 54 self produced NEDA detectors at forward angles and 14 NWALL detectors at around 90 degrees On-going integration work : L. Ménager is coordinating the local technical effort On-going production of the FEBEE and Mechanics Start of the campaign : Early 2018 However, there is still the possibility of a 3rd GANIL run in autumn 2017 which will directly put delays in this installation.