When History and Literature collide… The Crucible Anticipatory Set Handout When History and Literature collide… by Arthur Miller
The Crucible is… A combination of: Puritanism Witchcraft McCarthyism Arthur Miller
Puritanism * Bradstreet (110), Huswifery (116) -Partner Analysis Christian faith that originated in England during the early 1600s Many emigrate to the American colonies Settled near Boston around 1620. They split from the Church of England in 1633 Wanted non-biblical elements out of the beliefs. Believed the Church of England could be reformed from within.
Puritans continued… Their radical beliefs flourished in the new world Placed God at the center of their society. Congregations functioned independently. Ministers were chosen by the people. Set doctrines must be followed.
Puritan Beliefs Sinner in the Hand of an Angry God (118) Predestination: God has already determined who will be saved and damned Providence: God directly intervenes in the world Election: Through God’s mercy and by grace alone, some will be saved. (not based on efforts) Natural Depravity: Mankind is inherently evil due to original sin. Sovereignty to God: His chosen people. All who challenged them; challenged God. Stressed necessary survival skills: hard work and discipline (avoid temptation) Warned against Devil’s tools: fun and anything unpractical Theocracy: a margining of religion and government
What happens to the Puritans? Eventually, Puritan authority is attacked just as they had attacked the authority of the Church of England. Puritan unity changed to diversity with the rise of pluralism. By 1700, the civil government stopped requiring religious conformity.
Witchcraft in Salem (Video) Like many Puritans, Salem Village residence believed in supernatural influences, such as: witches and witchcraft. “entering into a compact with the devil in exchange for certain powers to do evil.” Witchcraft was both a sin and a crime. Very serious if accused. Accusations were carefully and thoroughly investigated, most times at great embarrassment and pain to the accused. How to Spot a Witch Activity
Witchcraft continued… Witchcraft hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts (early 1692). Reverend Samuel Parris’ daughter (Betty) and Abigail Williams started having “fits.” screaming, hallucination and convulsions Diagnosed as witchcraft.
Witchcraft’s End In 8 months, 150 people were imprisoned for witchcraft. When the court was finally disbanded… 27 people convicted 19 hanged 1 pressed to death (not pleasant) In the end, it is learned that colonial America deeply believes in the supernatural.
McCarthyism …a term used for an intense time of suspicion in the US during the early 1950s. Communism! U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy People from all “walks of life” were the subjects of vicious “witch hunts” usually based on inconclusive, questionable evidence.
McCarthyism continued… Those accused… were denied employment in both public and private sectors over 300 actors, writers, and directors The fall of McCarthyism- 1954- CBS Edward R. Murrow revealed McCarthy to be dishonest in his speeches and abusive during interrogations. McCarthy’s accusations of communist involvement were proven false. Partner Read and Historical Influence Chart
Arthur Miller (1915-2005) 1953- wrote The Crucible which paralleled the Salem witch trials (1692) to the anti-communist McCarthyism “witch hunt” (1950s) After published, Miller became suspect of communistic activity. Refused to talk about colleagues so found guilty Later it was overturned.