at The Hollyfield School Teaching and Learning at The Hollyfield School Every child, every day
New for 2017: 5 in 5 (A ‘to do list’ for our students) Planners out and open to the RAG pages Stationery out and ready Date and title (underlined) Lesson objectives read and understood Starter activity completed
Confidence Indicators Use of RAG system to prioritise support and extend learning
An example of levelled learning objectives in Drama Lesson Title John Godber’s Teechers: Characters and Conflict Differentiated Learning Objectives – based on pupil ability, skills and knowledge Students will demonstrate their understanding of the play’s characters and a central theme through practical exploration. 1. All students will: explore key characters, demonstrating understanding use drama strategies and elements discuss their own and others’ work 2. Those working to achieve Band Two marks will: experiment confidently with strategies and elements communicate imaginative ideas have some impact on other people’s work 3. Those aiming for Band One marks will: demonstrate an outstanding level of understanding select the most effective strategies, techniques and elements communicate creative ideas in a way that helps others
An example of levelled learning objectives in RE Differentiated Learning Objectives/ Questions 1. To be able to explain a clear reflection on the nature of women’s rights in the UK, using key terms. 2. To be able to give clear examples supporting different arguments concerning women’s rights. 3. To able to support their own perspective with coherent arguments and examples and to offer an argument in opposition, using a religious perspective.
Questioning is effective when it… Involves all students Reinforces and revisits learning Maintains the flow of learning Encourages pupils to think for themselves Models high order thinking Encourages creative thought Is differentiated, allowing all students to contribute at an appropriate level of challenge Encourages pupils to listen and respond to each other Is clear that wrong answers are not a barrier to learning Adapted from Gorden Pope
Key words & concepts
Assessment for Learning Where are you now? Where are you going? How can you get there? Mark schemes and criteria Question level analysis Feedback and feed forward Redrafting, refining and improving Peer, self and teacher assessment
Preparing students for GCSE Level of challenge Subject content Written assessments Memorising key information Growth mindset Our website: Follow us on Twitter: