Joint 802.11/15 Publicity Committee Closing Report November 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/1481r0 Joint 802.11/15 Publicity Committee Closing Report Al Petrick Al Petrick, IceFyre Al Petrick, IceFyre
PC Agenda Al Petrick, IceFyre
Summary Call for PC Chair: - Nanci Vogtli “Calendar of Events” for tracking 802.11/WiFi/WiMedia/Zibee and other industry conferences – Gregg Rasor WiFi update: Doc: 11-04-1483-00-0000 802.11/15 website Task Group Summary updates Press releases: working a draft for 802.11j for Excom/IEEE approval this session. Doc: 11-04-1487-00-0000 Discussion on companies releasing PR on Pre-standard devices. Submission on PR guidelines Doc: 11-04-1461-00-0000 Al Petrick, IceFyre
Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 limit the Tutorials to one evening meeting on Monday. Al Petrick, IceFyre
802.11 WG Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 limit the Tutorials of interest to 802.11 to one evening meeting on Monday. Noting that 802.11 will keep that evening slot open. YES: 171 NO: 47 That the IEEE 802 remove the 802 Plenary session “social event” on Wednesday evening. Al Petrick, IceFyre
802.11 WG Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 remove the 802 Plenary session “social event” on Wednesday evening. YES: 109 NO: 92 Al Petrick, IceFyre
802.11 WG Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 create a Thursday evening Tutorial meeting in lieu of a Monday or Tuesday evening event. YES: 125 NO: 25 Al Petrick, IceFyre
Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 limit the Tutorials to one evening meeting on Monday. Al Petrick, IceFyre