Special English for Industrial Robot URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail :edubot_zhang@126.com
49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs
Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 8 SCARA robot Task: Part1 EPSON scara robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Part4 Applications of scara robot Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 8 SCARA robot URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail:edubot_zhang@126.com
Figure 8-11 The composition structure of SCARA robot Unit 8 SCARA robot 32 Part3 The structure of scara robot SCARA robot is generally composed of three parts: manipulator, controller and teach pendant, as shown in Figure 8-11. Figure 8-11 The composition structure of SCARA robot
32 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Manipulator Manipulator-Robot body, the main mechanical arm of industrial robots, the actuator used to complete the required tasks. It is mainly composed of robotic arm, driving device, transmission device and internal sensors. For a SCARA robot, the robotic arm mainly includes a base, upper arm and forearm, as shown in Figure 8-12. Figure 8-12 Robot arm of SCARA robot
Figure 8-13 The RC90 controller of EPSON SCARA robot Unit 8 SCARA robot 32 Part3 The structure of scara robot Controller Here we focus on the RC90 controller of EPSON SCARA robot and the RCX340 controller of YAMAHA SCARA robot. • RC90 Controller The EPSON RC90 controller is the powerful yet inexpensive controller used for the EPSON LS-Series SCARA Robots, as shown in Figure 8-13. Figure 8-13 The RC90 controller of EPSON SCARA robot
32 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Controller Like other EPSON controller products, the RC90 provides the ultimate experience in ease of use but, at a nicely reduced price. The RC90 can control EPSON LS3 and LS6 SCARA Robots and provides superior PowerDrive servo control for super smooth motion, fast accel/decel times, and fast cycle times. EPSON RC90 Controller is high performance at a value price.
32 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Controller The RC90 comes standard with EPSON RC+ Controls software and lots of fully integrated options. As the Industry Leader in ease of use, EPSON RC+ wizards, point and click setup, Jog and Teach window, Integrated Debugger, Epson Smartsense and many other features help reduce overall development time as compared to competitive robot systems. In addition, options such as Vision Guidance, .NET support, GUI Builder, DeviceNet, Profibus and much more are fully integrated into the EPSON RC+ development environment to maximize performance and ease of use.
Figure 8-14 The RCX340 controller of YAMAHA SCARA robot Unit 8 SCARA robot 32 Part3 The structure of scara robot Controller • RCX340 Controller RCX controller 3rd generation model “ECX340” is now put on the market by reviewing all functions to further improve the functions of the RCX controller, as shown in Figure 8-14.The RCX340 controller allows high-speed communication among the controllers. As the master controller sends operation commands to each slave controller. Figure 8-14 The RCX340 controller of YAMAHA SCARA robot
32 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Controller Programs and points can be controlled only with the host master controller.Additionally, as the RCX340 controller flexibly supports multi tasks, the data exchanging using the PLC can be simplified. Simultaneous start and arrival of each robot can also be controlled freely.Complicated and precise robot system using many axes can be constructed more simply at low costs. As a new servo motion engine is incorporated into the controller, various operations can be linked. Newly developed algorithms achieve reduction of the positioning time and improvement of the tracking accuracy.
32 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Controller The volume ratio is reduced approx. 85% when compared to the conventional 4-axis controller to achieve the compact design and make the installation inside the control panel easy. RS-232C and Ethernet ports are provided as standard equipment in the RCX controller. A wide variety of high-speed and large capacity field networks, such as CC-Link, DeviceNet™, and EtherNet/IP™ are supported as options. Connections with generalpurpose servo amplifier or other company‘s VISION are easy. So, the RCX340 is called “connectable controller”.
32 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Teach Pendant Teach pendant, a human-computer interaction interface, can be operated to move by the operator. For SCARA, however, some manufacturers are using teach pendant as an optional accessory, such as EPSON and YAMAHA, which can be used to control the robot through the corresponding software. So here is not an introduction about teach pendant of SCARA robot.
32 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Vocabulary wizard ['wizəd] n.术士;巫师;奇才 jog [dʒɑɡ] vt.轻推;蹒跚行进 n.慢跑;轻撞
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