When you see a sign, you need to figure it out... and act on it!
C and C
Contrasts & Contradictions Contra = against Contrast = a character goes against what he’s said or done before -- he does or says something unexpected.
Contrasts & Contradictions Why would the character act this way?
Contrasts & Contradictions Why would the character act this way? Presto The Present
Can you find a signpost in this book?
Tough ?
What could I possibly do to . . . ? I am so confused about . . . Tough Questions ? I wonder whether … ? A character is confused or doubts him/herself. He or she asks a question . . . which may not be answered right away!
What does this question make me wonder about? Tough Questions When a character wonders something, you should wonder about the answer, too! What does this question make me wonder about?
What does this question make me wonder about? Tough Questions What does this question make me wonder about? The Scarecrow Mulan - Reflection
Can you find a signpost in this book?
Why might this memory be important? Memory Moment Why might this memory be important?
Why would this memory be important? Memory Moment Click link and “Movie” at bottom of screen. http://www.snackattackmovie.com/ Why would this memory be important? Obi Wan Grinch
Can you find a signpost in this book?
In an instant, I knew . . . Suddenly, I understood . . . AHA! Moment All of a sudden, it came to me that . . . The character is struck by a realization that shifts his actions or his understanding of himself, others or the world around him.
How might this change things? AHA! Moment How might this change things?
AHA! Moment Buzz Lightyear always thought he was an real Space Ranger . . . until this moment. Boundin' How might this realization change things?
Can you find signposts in these books?
Words of the Wiser An older or wiser character offers serious advice to the main character.
What is the life lesson, and how might it affect the main character? Words of the Wiser What is the life lesson, and how might it affect the main character?
How might it affect the main character? Words of the Wiser What is the life lesson? How might it affect the main character? Yoda Lion King - What did you do that for - the past can hurt
Can you find a signpost in this book?
Again & Again The same events, words or images keep coming up in a story.
Why does the author keep bringing this up? Again & Again Why does the author keep bringing this up?
Why does the author bring this up again and again? Again & Again The Shoe Why does the author bring this up again and again?
Can you find a signpost in this book?
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Designed by Chanelle Savich, but all information is from the book, Notice and Note: Strategies for Close Reading by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst.