The Middle Ages By: Mr. Hunter
“The Middle Ages”
The Middle Ages The time between the fall of the Roman empire and the beginning of the modern world is known as medieval times, or The Middle Ages.
Comparison Think about how life in the early Middle Ages differed from life in ancient Greece and Rome. Do you think the fall of Rome was a positive or negative event? (Hint: Think about standards of living, political systems, cultural achievements, and peace and stability)
Fall of the Roman empire No central government Towns abandoned Unsafe travel Decreased trade
Charles The Great improved education stronger government spread Roman Catholicism
What was the function of each of these members in society? Monks Nuns Nobles Vassal Knight Peasants Serfs
What did they do for each other? Nobles Land (fief) Vassals services (knights, soldiers, arms)
What did they do for each other? Lords protection Peasants/Serfs labor/crops
Castle Life Cold, damp, dark Windowless Tapestries Smoky Lice/animals