The International Association of Cryospheric Sciences
WGMS World Glacier Monitoring Service IACS Standing Groups under the umbrella of IACS IACS Standing Groups GTN-G Steering Committee Glacier And Permafrost HAZard in mountains IAVCEI/IACS Joint commission on Volcano-Ice Interactions WGMS
WORKING GROUPS IACS Working Groups Mass balance terminology and methods WORKING GROUPS
WORKING GROUPS “IUGG urges snow and ice scientists, practitioners, and scientists from related disciplines to adopt these new schemes as standards.”
WORKING GROUPS IACS Working Groups Mass balance terminology and methods Flow law for polycrystalline ice From quantitative stratigraphy to microstructure-based modelling of snow WORKING GROUPS
IACS, not a contender but a partner Photo: Xu Jianchu (ICIMOD) 23 April 2007 IPCC YAKS, YAKS, YAKS ... ICSI CIG UCCS IUGG IACS, not a contender but a partner WDCGC WDCGGL IPY ICSIH IUFRO