SMBP Team Organisation Chart Board and Champions ITV, BT, Slaughter and May, Reed Smith, Osbourne Clarke, Mischon De Reya, Simply Business, Provident Financial, CMS, Squire Patton Boggs & Clifford Chance, Overture, Burges Salmon Binda Patel Sutton Trust Social Mobility Advisor Barry Matthews CEO Clayton Costa (ITV) Head of Digital Abigail Tompsett (ITV) Development Director Andy Moseby (Kemp Little) Resilience Director Deborah Hill Scheme Director Jessica Organ (ITV) Head of Operations Sophie Gould (Lexis Nexis) Laura Davies (CMS) Heads of Student Sourcing Chelsea Smith (Simply Business) Head of Induction Delivery Shelley Bezalel (ITV) General Counsel Rob Henson (ITV) Head of Finance Kate Hursthouse (Slaughter and May) Head of Impact and Communications Cluster Head Operational Steering Group Nancy Goldman-Holland (ITV) Senior Legal Advisor PWC Accountancy Support Scott Phelps Operations Manager