Lab Expectations
Lab Expectations: General Wash your hands before you start your lab. You will work in groups. Each member of the group will have a job or task which they will be responsible for. If that job is not completed you will be held responsible. Read the full recipe before you begin. Co-operate with your group and the teacher. Stay with your group. You are not permitted in the halls or the other kitchens.
Lab Expectations: Reminders Use dry measuring cups for dry ingredients. Use liquid measuring cup for liquids. Use Measuring spoons for small amounts of liquids or dry ingredients.
Lab Expectations: Reminders Break egg open in a separate bowl before adding it to mix. Why? It could be bad. If added to other ingredients then your recipe would be ruined It could be bloody
Lab Expectations: Reminders Use small cloth for washing, larger cloth for drying. Only use a small amount of liquid dish soap. All utensils etc. must be returned to counter when cleaned.
Lab Expectations: Safety Close cupboard doors. Turn off oven. Use oven mitts to place food in or to take food out of oven. Clean up any spills.
Lab Expectations: Safety Warn others in group when you are opening the oven door. Use separate cutting boards for cutting different foods. No sitting on counters
Lab Expectations: Safety Stay with your assigned group. Do not wander into the other kitchens. No horseplay permitted in the lab. If you are unsafe you will not be permitted to take part in the cooking labs. Written assignments will be given to make up your mark.
Lab Expectations: Clean up All dishes have to be washed, dried and placed back where you found them. How to wash dishes: Scrap all food on plates into garbage. Wash dishes in the following order: glasses, plates, bowls, cutlery, knives, pots and pans
Lab Expectations: Clean up Counter tops wiped clean and dried. Stove top wiped clean. Table wiped clean. Sink washed, no food or soap bubbles should be left in sink. Floor swept in kitchen and by table. Dirty dish clothes place in the washer.
Lab Expectations: You are not permitted to bring food to other students. If you promised a friend food it must come from your share and bought to them at recess or lunch. Classes at at their fire limit. Therefore a friend will not be able to join you in the foods room for something to eat. Please do not invite them down. It could means losing marks of your safety.
Missing a lab If you are absent for a lab, a note must be given to the instructor within 3 days of your return. This note must explain that it is known that a lab was missed and the reason. If you miss labs excused, you will have to complete a make up project for each lab missed. You may be given a 0% for an unexcused absence of a lab.