2017 AJC Peachtree Road Race Crew Chief Conference Call May 15, 7:00 p 2017 AJC Peachtree Road Race Crew Chief Conference Call May 15, 7:00 p.m.
2017 AJC Peachtree Road Race Crew Chief Conference Call May 15, 7:00 p 2017 AJC Peachtree Road Race Crew Chief Conference Call May 15, 7:00 p.m . Dial: 1-800-356-8278 Enter code: 513848 Hit “MUTE” on your phone
Agenda Welcome Crew Chief Manual/Roster Code of Conduct VolunteerLocal Communications Crew Chief/Volunteer Check-in and Goodies Race Day Parking Start/Finish Changes Your Action Items Upcoming Important Dates Q&A
Crew Chief Manual/Roster Both sent Via Email Please review Important Dates Expo and race day parking info Crew Chief/Volunteer Check-in info Roster has cell phone numbers/contact info; send edits
Code of Conduct Available at: http://www.atlantatrackclub.org/crew-chiefs New Chiefs, please review and sign Maintain a courteous and professional demeanor at all times acting as an ambassador of Atlanta Track Club Maintain a full commitment to the principles and standards of Atlanta Track Club as a condition of volunteering for this organization Use best practice in all communications to participants and volunteers including email, social media and in person Respect the values, standards, procedures and systems of Atlanta Track Club that contribute to the success of the program.
VolunteerLocal ALL NEW SYSTEM! BIG BENEFITS! Better for volunteers Volunteers can manage ALL assignments in one spot (cancellations, changes, profile info) and make edits Better for crew chiefs More user friendly Better communication tool Manage ALL groups in one spot! (The Big Four…) Better for me
VolunteerLocal ALL volunteers must sign up electronically; no exceptions Waiver Shirt size Volunteer registration will close Monday, July 3, 8:00 a.m. Encourage registration by Wednesday, June 28 to guarantee shirt size (packing on Thursday morning) PUBLIC links versus password-protected jobs Please don’t register FOR your volunteers (waiver!) If your job is FULL, please don’t ask volunteers to sign up under a different job, to then show up in your area on event day
VolunteerLocal Invitation to manage your volunteers as a leader/ sent via email; go to volunteerlocal.com and “sign in” If you do not see your job listed, contact me ASAP REPORT (quick check!) or EXPORT (full data)
VolunteerLocal Built-in Communication tool is easy to use Use {first name} at top of your email to ensure your specific volunteer gets an email (no email provided): what this means…. Multiple volunteers using one email They actually did provide an email, they are linked to the shared email, and will get your message if you use the comm. tool Using {first name} will ensure that YOUR volunteer will get YOUR message!
How You Communicate to Volunteers Communication is the key to YOUR success! Your responsibilities are to tell volunteers, including but not limited to: What (race name and specific assignment) When (date/start and end timeframe) Where (specific location/address) Parking and parking pass (if applicable) Get their RSVPs Notify ATC (Caryn/Jenny) of cancellations
How We Communicate to You Communication is the key to our success! Crew Chief emails will have important updates, reminders and “to-do’s” Atlanta Track Club will send general newsletters to all volunteers Volunteers really need to hear from YOU!
Crew Chief Check-In Atlanta Track Club Office Saturday, July 1st, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Sunday, July 2nd, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Crew Chief shirt, crew chief hat, volunteer t-shirt, credential, Waffle House FOB, Home Depot apron, volunteer pin, crew chief gift Course Crew Chiefs pick up their goodies plus volunteer goodies Start/Finish Crew chiefs pick up their goodies and their volunteers’ shirts only*
Volunteer Check-In Expo volunteers will check in at expo Course volunteers will check in on the course with YOU Start volunteers will check in at Phipps Plaza Finish volunteers will check in at Grady High School Waffle House food, goodies *Crew chiefs will hand out all shirts!
Race Day Parking START – Phipps Parking Deck with a PASS COURSE – Offer legal suggestions to your volunteers FINISH CREW CHIEFS ONLY, via Survey Monkey: Cantoni (in by 6:00 a.m.) Grady (in by 6:00 a.m., until 12:00 p.m.) Park Tavern (in by 6:00 a.m.) FINISH VOLUNTEERS: encourage MARTA or legal parking options
START/FINISH Changes Video board at start to watch the broadcast New finish line director – Dan Dachelet Chilling the finish water Providing shade in the finish area for participants Working with Lyft for participants to get to start/finish
Your Action Items Send me Appreciation Shirt numbers by June 15th Recruit Your Volunteers! Begin Your Communications, get/track RSVPs (call if you need!) Email ATC (Caryn/Jenny) any cancellations Know anyone interested in becoming a chief? Save the following dates….
Important Dates Monday, June 12- Crew Chief Meeting at ATC Offices 6:15/6:30 p.m. if you have questions for me… 7:00 pm – 8:00 p.m. Meeting June 15 – send appreciation shirt numbers June 28 – goal to have your jobs filled Late June – CPR webinar available for viewing July 1&2 – crew chief check-in July 2&3 – Expo, start/finish set-up July 4 – race day! Monday, July 10 – crew chief party!
Q&A, Wrap-Up Got Questions? 2016 Crew Chief Gift? Email me if you didn’t receive one or need a replacement