Notify & Emergency/Fall Policy …
Notify Policy… Notify the office if you become aware of any of the following: Any new redden or open areas. Any recent fall or other injuries. Hospitalization / Emergency room visits. Any change in mental status. Any other significant changes in the consumer. Any medications missing or questions about administration vs. reminders. If in doubt, please call the office. Family Care would rather receive too many calls, rather than missing a change in a consumer’s status that we should have addressed.
Emergency / Fall Policy… If a PCA is at location, and a consumer has fallen or is in distress: PCA will call 911. PCA will stay with consumer, ask consumer if they have a medication list for the paramedics. If consumer has fallen, do not attempt to move until paramedics arrive. PCA will give paramedics the care plan from the Family Care folder. PCA will ask paramedics what hospital they are taking the consumer too. Once paramedics take the consumer to the hospital, contact Family Care. Family Care will then notify the family.