Does McDonalds Sell Burgers?? Division Made Easy!
Let’s try to divide! Quotient (the answer) Divisor5) 267Dividend
Does=Divide Check and see if the divisor goes into the first number of the dividend. (does 5 go into 2--can you make 1 or more groups of 5?) If not put a 0 as a place holder. 5)267
Now check and see if the 5 goes into the two digit number Now check and see if the 5 goes into the two digit number. (Does 5 go into 26. Can you make groups of five without going over 26.) If you can put the number on the top. 05 5)267
McDonalds=Multiply Now multiply the number you just wrote with the divisor. Put that number under the two digit number in the dividend. 5 x 5 = 25 05 5)267 25
Sell=Subtract Subtract the two numbers. 05 5)267 -25 1
Burgers=Bring down Bring down the next number and start again. 05 5)267 -25 17
Does=divide 053 5)267 15 is 3 -25 groups of 17 5 Sell=Subtract 053 5)267 -25 17 -15 2 McDonalds=Multiply 3 x 5 = 15 053 5)267 -25 17 15 Cheese=Check Is 2 less than 5? Burgers=Bring down Nothing to bring down?
Remainder If there is still a number but nothing left to bring down--This number becomes your remainder. (left over numbers.) 053 5)267 -25 17 -15 2
And the QUOTIENT is….. 53 Remainder 2 OR 53.4
Now You're Done! Congratulations!!
Now try these: 28 ÷ 3 324 ÷ 7 542 ÷ 14