Renal transplantation at Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Fiona Gamston Please feel free to use your own Trust Powerpoint template if you would prefer July 2015
A brief description of our pathway Referred for kidney work up and home visit once GFR < 30 Urology assessment, blood tests and immunisations commenced Tissue typing of live donors initiated if available Education sessions commenced in line with clinical need Aim for pre-emptive transplant if possible
Key data (1) 56% of dialysis patients currently listed for transplant 10% of listed patients currently suspended from transplant waiting list 20% patients on list are not currently on dialysis (1) Please don’t go to great lengths to collect this data; if you don’t routinely collect it that is useful for us to know – we’re anticipating that many units won’t be collecting the majority of this data. (2) Please count a pre-emptive listing as zero so as not to skew the figures (3) Please provide your latest data or a summary of all data received from the UK Renal Registry
Other relevant data 16% dialysis patients crash landers or unsuitable for transplant 21 on list, 4 combined liver kidney Is there any other relevant data that your unit routinely collects that you would like to share?
Key challenges for timely assessment and listing Urology assessment and need for surgery Immunisations Impact of growth on deterioration in function Renal failure rare in children Stick to a limited number of bullet points