Urban Statistics by “NORDSTAT” Asta Manninen City of Helsinki Urban Facts
NORDSTAT EXPERIENCES Work in phases Start with a limited number of core indicators Then capture new qualities and characteristics of the city Regular follow-up and evaluation Improvements
NORDSTAT PRODUCTS Nordstat - database up-dated once a year, Also on internet: Http://heln03.Novogroup.Com/nordstat/ Publication every year, issued in June CD ROM every year in co-operation with the NSOs, issued in June A specialised product every four to six years, at special occasions Data utilised regularly in the statistical yearbooks and other media by the Nordstat-cities
NORDSTAT: HOW DO WE WORK? All 16 cities are active members of the network and supply the data The capitals play a key role: = the management group Responsibility for the annual products and services Supervision of development work Each capital at its turn carries out specific operational tasks according to agreed work division. This is the main basis of finding the resources needed, although co-financing is the rule. Co-ordinate the work in their country respectively Close co-operation with the NSOs International co-operation Administrate the annual meetings
NORDSTAT DATABASE THEMES Population and Vital Statistics Labour Market Education Industry, Construction Housing Social Welfare Transport and Communications Elections
Organisations, city networks and projects developing urban statistics INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE, ISI, especially SCORUS, Standing Committee on Regional and Urban Statistics UNITED NATIONS, especially UNCHS, HABITAT: CITY DATA PROGRAMME and URBAN INDICATORS, URBAN OBSERVATORY UN, STATISTICS DIVISION & POPULATION DIVISION LCSP - LARGE CITIES STATISTICS PROJECT, maintained by N.U.R.E.C., UNCHS, United Nations Statistical Division, ISI and IULA. The 1000 Cities - International Yearbook of Large Cities Statistics. Large Cities Statistics Project. N.U.R.E.C., Network on Urban Research in the European Union. NORDSTAT - a well established network maintaining an urban statistics database and other products KOSIS – German cities
Organisations, city networks and projects developing urban statistics EUROSTAT - the Statistical Office of the European Communities, providing regional statistics and developing urban statistics & indicators EU/DG REGIO: Urban Audit- open tender 1997 and a project on urban indicators in 1998-1999 EUROCITIES, pilot projects on urban indicators OECD, Urban Affairs Division - indicators etc. IULA, International Union of Local Authorities WORLD BANK National Statistical Offices and their regional statistics Regional administrative bodies, for example counties CITIES themselves provide a wide range of statistical products and also carry out research. In the case of very up-to-date statistics, only cities themselves possess the information.
The data is collected on three levels: Core city Functional urban region The whole country for comparison
What kind of cultural city statistics? various cultural offerings The audience of various performances and special events Culture as professions and jobs Professional training Culture as hobby Finance and support Infrastructure
The cultural sectors or branches present in all cities Music Theatre Dance Visual arts Books, libraries, reading Museums and archives Film (movies, cinema), video, photography, multimedia Radio, TV, Press Special events, festivals etc. and their audiences in different arts
the indicators most frequently used Number of workers in recreational, cultural and sport activities Proportions of various professions in the arts and culture in the city Cultural workers employed by the city Institutions of higher arts education and number of students in these institutions City library loans Symphony orchestra visits and number of orchestras Museum visits and number of museums Theatre visits and number of theatres Cinema visits and number of films shown Funding – public and private - of cultural activities Expenditure on culture and leisure per inhabitant and by cultural sector
new entries to be observed in cultural statistics graphic designers, photographers and other cultural entrepreneurs as well as new media industries.
Available Sources Arts and Culture 1999. Statistics 1999:15. City of Helsinki Urban Facts, Helsinki 1999. The Information sector as the flywheel of economy in Helsinki. Statistics 1999:16. City of Helsinki Urban Facts, Helsinki 1999. Proceedings from the 52nd Session of the International Statistical Institute, August 10-18, 1999, Helsinki.