Classification Jeopardy Old School Ways Kingdoms & More Hodgepodge Key, Key, Who Has The Key? Mixed Bag 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
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A-100 ANSWER: 18th century Swedish botanist who developed the classification system we still use today. QUESTION: Who is CAROLUS LINNAEUS.
A-200 ANSWER: the two main parts to a scientific name. QUESTION: What are GENUS & SPECIES.
A-300 ANSWER: name of the system where every organism is given two names. QUESTION: What is BINOMEAL NOMENCLATURE.
A-400 ANSWER: the two main kingdoms that Linnaeus recognized. QUESTION: What are PLANTAE & ANIMALIA.
A-500 ANSWER: in order from largest to smallest, the seven levels of classification. QUESTION: What are Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
B-100 ANSWER: This taxon is equivalent to phyla in animals. HINT: Plants….. QUESTION: What is Division
B-200 ANSWER: the six kingdoms recognized today. QUESTION: What are Animal Plant Fungi Protists Archaebacteria Eubacteria
B-300 ANSWER: organisms living in deep thermal ocean vents and hot springs would be classified as these. QUESTION: What are Archaeabacteria
B-400 ANSWER: classification level between phylum and order. QUESTION: What is CLASS.
B-500 ANSWER: these 2 things must be done properly when writing a scientific name. QUESTION: What is Capitalize the Genus name All lower case letters in the Species name.
C-100 ANSWER: The grouping of organisms based on similarities is called this. QUESTION: What is Classification.
C-200 ANSWER: Organisms found in Kingdom Eubacteria are called? QUESTION: What is BACTERIA.
C-300 ANSWER: organisms that are multicellular, autotrophic, eukaryotic, belong to this kingdom. HINT: have chloroplasts QUESTION: What is PLANTAE.
C-400 ANSWER: “taxonomic garbage can” is the nickname for this kingdom of organisms. QUESTION: What is PROTISTS.
C-500 ANSWER: The evolutionary history of a species is called this. QUESTION: What is Phylogeny.
D-100 ANSWER: Name for a series of steps, or choices to identify an unknown organism. QUESTION: What is a DICHOTOMOUS KEY.
D-200 ANSWER: The science of classifying organisms QUESTION: What is TAXONOMY.
D-300 ANSWER: “Dichotomous” means to do this. QUESTION: What is DIVIDE or BRANCH INTO TWO (2).
D-400 ANSWER: The first thing you would do when creating a dichotomous key. QUESTION: What is divide the organisms into two groups?
D-500 ANSWER: When identifying an organism (such as an insect), other than looking at the physical characteristics, knowing these 2 things will be very helpful! QUESTION: What is knowing the Cell Structure How it gets its energy
E-100 ANSWER: members of this kingdom are photosynthetic autotrophs. QUESTION: What is PLANTAE.
E-200 ANSWER: members of this kingdom obtain nutrients from dead and decaying matter. QUESTION: What are FUNGI.
E-300 ANSWER: This language is used for scientific names. QUESTION: What is LATIN
E-400 ANSWER: members of this kingdom share characteristics of plants, animals and fungi. QUESTION: What is PROTISTA.
E-500 ANSWER: all organisms in the domain Eukarya all have this in common. QUESTION: What is a NUCLEUS.
FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: shows evolutionary interrelationships between various species. QUESTION: What is a PHYLOGENETIC TREE or CLADOGRAM.