Which Tape Is Stickiest? Use this ppt to introduce the lesson and help students understand how to set up their device to test the tape with. See notes area of later slides for more comments
Which Tape Is Stickiest? Variable-something that varies/changes Kind of tape Slope of ruler Where it’s released from Constant-variables you do not change Slope of the ruler How much dirt and oil is on the marble Where the marble is released from Have a ruler/ramp/tape device already set up so you can be referring to it during these notes. On this slide are the notes students will take.
Use this to explain to students how to measure the dependent variable Use this to explain to students how to measure the dependent variable. How far will the marble roll? It depends! On What? The tape we’re using (which is the independent variable). See how we use ruler #2 to measure to the center of the marble.
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