Aerodynamics Analyzing a moving body in a gas Aero – Air Dynamics - Moving
Streamlining The process of reducing turbulence by altering design To do this, change shape, material and surface features Goal: To reduce Drag Drag is the force that acts against an object’s motion through a fluid Drag is friction in a fluid
Streamlined flow is LAMINAR FLOW!!!
How are these designed to MAXIMIZE or MINIMIZE DRAG?
Testing Swimsuits ..\..\..\My Videos\RealPlayer Downloads\Olympic Controversy How does the “Space-Age Swimsuit” Work SmarterThanThat.flv
How to Streamline? Use wind tunnels, water tanks and computer simulations for research To ‘see’ laminar flow, use pressure sensitive beams, electronic sensors, drops of coloured water, small flags and plumes of smoke
To do: Look at Figure 4 on Pg 284 Read pg 284 and answer: What features are used to reduce drag: In a car? Shark? Submarine?
Drag Coefficient (CD) Lower CD, lower amount of drag Parachute - CD = 1.35 Cars – 1930’s – CD = 0.7 Cars – 2000’s – CD = 0.4 Look at Fig 8, Pg 286
What is this?
The Case of Shark Skin and Golf Balls!
Work Pg 285 # 2 Pg 286 # 7, 8, 9 Pg 287 # 5