Explore different ideas about the Anthropic Principle in the design argument for the existence of God. (8 marks) Intro – order and purpse What the Anthropic Principle is Works with the Big Bang Conditions are perfect for human life Improbable to be chance Supported by Swinburne Swinburne quote about science Arrogant Conditions are perfect for every creature in existence
Explore different ideas about the Anthropic Principle in the design argument for the existence of God. (8 marks) The design argument for the existence of God is largely based upon the idea that the cumulative effect of all of the order and purpose that exists within the universe is proof that it could not have come about by chance, it must have been designed and the only thing powerful enough to do this is God. The Anthropic Principle is the idea that the universe was created for the express purpose of the creation of human life. It reconciles the idea of a divine designer and the big bang and evolution by explaining that these were the ways in which the designer chose to bring human life into existence. Natural selection was part of the design as it ensured that human life would evolve. Supporters of this view point to examples such as the earth being just the right distance from the sun, any further away and it would be too cold to survive and any nearer, it would be too hot. Additionally the amount of order and purpose in the universe convinces many scholars that it is improbable that it is the result of chance. The work of Richard Swinburne supports the Anthropic Principle as he agreed that it is posible to argue that God created the laws which govern natural selection because through them, human beings and animals would evolve. ‘The very success of science in showing us how deeply orderly the natural world is, provides strong evidence for believing that there is an even deeper cause of that order.’ (Swinburne) However, the argument is not accepted by everyone, it has been criticised as the universe has existed for billions of years and yet human life has been around for a tiny fraction of this period; to say that we were the sole purpose for its creation could be deemed arrogant. Furthermore, the claim that the universe was designed specifically for humans because its conditions are suitable for us to live could also be applied to any creature that currently exists such as the common garden snail.