EMAIL: WEBSITE: HELP SESSIONS: Ms. Perkins: Ms. Malta: WEBSITE: HELP SESSIONS: Monday mornings, 7:55-8:25 AM in room 401 or 402
Don’t talk while I am teaching or others are talking. PERIOD.
If you have something you would like to say, please raise your hand and wait to be called on. If you need to get out of your seat during whole-class time, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Come to class prepared! You need a three ring binder or section of a binder for your Social Studies materials, a pen/pencil, notebook paper, and your iPad.
NO… NO bottle flipping. NO fidget spinners. NO phones. NO slime.
What will happen if you choose not to follow these guidelines? 1. Warning 2. Behavior reflection and parent contact 3. Behavior reflection, parent contact, and silent lunch
Social Studies Stars!