Share Key Learning question with students Share Key Learning question with students. In this lesson the whole class will choose the charity that they will partner with for the rest of the programme.
Ask students to remind themselves of the charity they researched last lesson – why did they find it interesting?
Ask students to think about what their ideal class charity would be like. There are suggestions on the slide such as close to them so they can visit, supports our local community, would really benefit from £1,000 (prompt the students to think what £1,000 would mean to a very small charity compared to a very large charity). This is to help the students begin to think about the criteria for their class charity as they will chose the class charity this lesson.
Each team will choose one charity to do a 2 minute pitch about to the class. There is guidance on page 14 of the Student Coursebook on how to structure their pitch. All members of the team should say something - they may want to take one subsection each. They have 15 minutes to plan and rehearse their pitch.
Students listen to each pitch and mark out of 5 for each section.
Students self reflect on their pitch, then go on to vote for the class charity (they can’t vote for their own), based on the scores from their assessment sheet. They can tear this page out and hand in to you so that you can add up and reveal the class charity next lesson.
Ask students to turn to the back of the books to page 44 – ask them to tick which professional skills they think they have developed. Share with the rest of the class.