B. Beović, S. Kreft, J. Osredkar, D. Keše, B. Bonač-Tuma 


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Presentation transcript:

Serum procalcitonin levels in patients with mild community-acquired pneumonia  B. Beović, S. Kreft, J. Osredkar, D. Keše, B. Bonač-Tuma  Clinical Microbiology and Infection  Volume 11, Issue 12, Pages 1050-1051 (December 2005) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2005.01285.x Copyright © 2005 European Society of Clinical Infectious Diseases Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Serum procalcitonin (PCT), log PCT, C-reactive protein, white blood cell (WBC) counts and non-segmented neutrophils (median, interquartile range, outliers, and extreme cases of individual variables) in patients with typical, atypical and unknown aetiology of pneumonia. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2005 11, 1050-1051DOI: (10.1111/j.1469-0691.2005.01285.x) Copyright © 2005 European Society of Clinical Infectious Diseases Terms and Conditions