The First Americans Grade 5 Unit 1
nomad A person with no permanent home who travels from place to place
migration Movement from one place to another
agriculture The skill of raising plants and animals for human use
adapt To change the way one lives to fit different conditions
technology The use of scientific knowledge to solve problems
archaeology The study of objects to learn about life in the past
artifact An object made by people
custom An accepted way of doing something
tradition A set of customs that people create over time
folklore A group’s stories and customs
ceremony A set of activities done for a specific purpose
religion A system of faith or worship
surplus More than is needed
specialize To focus on one kind of product or activity
economy A system for organizing resources, such as money or goods
interact To talk and work with others
barter To trade goods for other goods without the use of money
government A system of laws and the people who carry them out
Desert Southwest
Pacific Northwest
Eastern Woodlands
Great Plains