Parish meeting April 23 rd Discussion of planning applications – WYE2 in detail Traffic analysis for the Neighbourhood Plan The new Our Place Wye project
Planning applications for WYE1 and WYE2 challenge the principles agreed for the Neighbourhood Plan Applications Go against the principles agreed at workshops Conflict with the agreed outlines for village design Fail to include innovative proposals to improve the village boundaries Overlook problems with traffic flow Both applications attempt to squeeze in more houses than allocated by Ashford Borough Council FOCUS ON WYE2 today
The WYE 2 site Luckley Field Map of the area highlighting access through Little Chequers Site allocated by ABC in the Tenterden and Rural Sites DPD (2010) for 20 houses Significance of the site as a gateway to Wye Opportunity to improve the area and enhance the edge of the village WYE2
Neighbourhood Plan policy for WYE2 Developed from Workshops and responding to the results of the questionnaire Workshop in action - reaching consensus over plans for sites
Images of the Neighbourhood Plan designs for WYE2 overall layout link to village centre outside 5min walk inclusion of the cycle route around the village
Images of the Neighbourhood Plan designs Red line village boundary Two access routes Transitional zone before houses Visual and physical links to the countryside
DHA application proposals for WYE2 General layout with access only through Little Chequers
More detailed comparison of views into the site The boundary has been extended in the DHA plans allowing more houses to be built –beyond the authorised red line Our plan DHA plan
Criticism of design features Guidance in the Village Design Statement and Kent Downs Landscape Design handbook has not been followed The VDS guidelines on Design states that …designs based on a confused mixture of architectural styles and decoration, that mimic but lack the integrity of genuine historic buildings, should not be considered. The Kent Downs Landscape Design Handbook identifies how locally sourced materials can address both local character and sustainability:..where possible sustainable materials should be used. In essence this means locally available and where possible renewable …it is important to consider the characteristics of the local character area. (p64) Clay bricks and tiles are the traditional building materials of the Kent Downs (p65) The VDS guidelines on Materials states All materials whether modern or traditional, should be suitable and of the highest quality feasible.
The DHA design for WYE2 includes the following features that conflict with guidelines for Wye Cul de sac design White weatherboarding The three storey semi-detached houses proposed are over-dominating for the edge of village location The architectural design takes a historical pastiche approach, with suburban designs mixed with a few unconvincing references to the Wye style Plastic framed windows inappropriate for the important edge of village site Poorly designed gable frontages Balconies shown are too small and do not fit well into the local vernacular Quality is poor due to an attempt to overfill the site with houses Based on poor design alone this application should be rejected
General traffic analysis in Wye –Jonathan Rodger MLM Modelling traffic flow across the level crossing Prediction of queues with current closures Testing various development options Map of streets with key junctions and development sites marked
Traffic flows are examined at each junction This schematic shows recorded data –the model assesses how this will be altered as development takes place
General traffic analysis in Wye – Jonathan Rodger MLM Existing constraints within Wye Quantifying local concerns – railway crossing – junctions - parking
General traffic analysis in Wye – Jonathan Rodger MLM Existing constraints within Wye Railway – fixed train times – variable closures times Before HS1 After HS1 Open - 41 secondsClosed – 20 minutes
General traffic analysis in Wye – Jonathan Rodger MLM Testing various development scenarios Impact associated with additional development within Wye Cumulative impact Queue predictions Changes in gate closure times Junction safety (i.e. visibility)
Traffic concerns The Little Chequers/Bridge St junction has very poor visibility Access via Little Chequers – parking/general constraints Improvement needed with a second access through Longs Acre as proposed in Neighbourhood Plan
The Council objects to the WYE2 application for the following reasons- traffic design treatment of the boundary complete lack of consideration of the Principles agreed for the Neighbourhood plan Copies of our objection letter are available Be warned! The developer has already proposed WYE2A another 150 houses south of WYE2
New application for WYE1 the Wye Court site Key issues, traffic, layout, design and boundary
Historic links we need to preserve The Roman Road and view to Wye Court – retaining historical continuity
The ideas incorporated in the Neighbourhood Plan show what could be achieved on this site
Disappointing features of the Taylor Wimpey design No clear views Layout does not improve the village boundary Village Design Statement guidelines have not been followed
Design features that fail to value the site – more details The concept sketch indicates a desire to create Stour Valley views along the main street & back lane but the proposed site plan blocks or obscures these views with the placement of houses and car barns. The site plan is of a generic house-builder type, proposing an inward looking development with a return loop route for vehicles from the single site entrance, this complex layout would be unnecessary if a more creative and distinctive concept had been developed. The is no serious consideration of the appearance of the external edge of the village, the north-east edge of the site.
T he edge of the site should integrate with the surrounding environment and link with the proposed cycleway View from the north looking into the development from Godmersham direction - so much better than garden fences
What can you do? Examine the proposals Consider how you will be affected and their impact on the village Think about the effect of poor design on the location of Wye within the AONB Recognise the importance of views into and out of the village Support the cycle path initiative Question the impact of extra traffic on safety at the critical junctions SEND IN YOUR OBJECTIONS TO ABC PLANNING DEPT !!
WYE3 and Imperial next!!