The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
Why do we believe that William Miller’s prediction (even though wrong) was part of God’s plan and yet Harold Camping was simply mistaken? 12/9/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
How did God use William Miller’s movement in spite of his mistaken expectation that Jesus would return on 1844? 12/9/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
How did Jesus’ ministry in the heavenly sanctuary change in 1844, and what does it mean for us? 12/9/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy
What does it mean to have Jesus as our Advocate in the judgment? 12/9/2018 The Church Finally Proves Satan Wrong as God Concludes the Great Controversy