Logging In Our School Code is ca12196 Your teacher gave the username and password at the beginning of the school year
What You See First The Daily Smile After a chuckle, click the x
Getting Down to Business Click on the Books at the top See the courses that you can work on Some have a placement test to see where the program can help you grow Click on the subject you want/need to work on The program will automatically give you what your teacher has assigned or practice on a skill you should work on
What is the 5 min sign for? Your teacher recommends that each day you work on that subject for at least 5 minutes Click on it and the timer will count down
Placement Test Lets the program know where your strengths are and where it can help you succeed Try your best
Placement Test Then click OK If you can’t finish, come back later If you do not know how to the question, click the play button to skip it Then click OK If you can’t finish, come back later
Practicing! Now you are ready to practice Click the Go/Start Button It will give you a variety of problems to keep your skills fresh
Fact Fluency Answering the questions. They are looking for accuracy and speed.
What Should You Be Working On? It will automatically show you what unit your teacher has chosen for you Unit Title This will be what is written in Gradelink Lessons: There are 3 So you must compete all 3
Need to do work The scratch pad puts a writing screen over the problem. This allows us to work out the math.
Help!! It will have some help/explanation If you answer correctly it will pop up too
Assigned tasks May list some units for you to do with the due date
Checking your Progress Click on the bubbles Next click on progress Will show you what you have accomplished for each class
Your Progress Choose your subject to see what you have finished and what you are working on
Your Progress Tells you the lesson topic How well you did on that topic In Progress indicates that you have not finished that lesson Tell you when you finished the lesson
Your Progress A new screen will pop up which shows the problem and an explanation Click on the blue titles to see which problems you did not do correctly.
Your Progress When you did this problem You can also see how long you worked on this problem
You can then see problems you did correct and wrong. Your Progress You can then see problems you did correct and wrong. Or choose to see all the problems.
Playing Games, Sweepstakes, and Entering Contest Click on the bubble chart at top Choose what you would like to look into under where it says have fun
Making MobyMax Yours and Moby Friends Choose the face Then follow the directions to make this program reflect you
Login As a Parent Use your child’s username and password See the time spent over the last 30 days
As a Parent See what they are working on Choose any subject for a more in-depth view of your child’s progress See what is coming up for them