Have Phenomenal Teachers Teachers Who Are Personal “went in to them” (Acts 17:2) Teachers Who Are Loyal “for three Sabbaths” (17:2) Teachers Who Are Scriptural “reasoned from the Scriptures” (17:2) “explaining and demonstrating” (17:3) Teachers Who Are Practical “some were persuaded” (17:4)
Have Phenomenal Students Students Who Welcome the Word “received the Word” (Acts 17:11) Students Who Crave the Word “with all readiness” (17:11) Students Who Search the Word “searched the Scriptures” (17:11) Students Who Everyday the Word Students Who Trust the Word “to see whether these things were so” (17:11) Students Who Obey the Word “many of them believed” (17:12)
First 10-Week Session (Jan. 18 – Mar. 25) Sunday Mornings (9:00 a.m.) Wednesday Nights (7:00 p.m.) Genesis (Part 1) Dan Jenkins (Auditorium) Christian Evidences Nate Nelson (Adult 1) Fundamentals of the Faith (Part 1) David Sproule (Adult 2) Young Adults: How to Study the Bible Josh Blackmer (Adult 3) Sr. High: World Religions Jeff Goodale Jr. High: Letters to Christians Phil Porter Survey of the N.T. (Part 1) David Sproule (Auditorium) Premillennialism Dan Jenkins (Adult 1) Heart Diseases & Their Cure Dan Fuller (Adult 3) Ladies: Ruth & Esther Traci Sproule (Adult 2) Sr. High: 1-2 Corinthians Josh Blackmer Jr. High: Bible Geography Adam Seal
Second 10-Week Session (Mar. 29 – June 3) Sunday Mornings (9:00 a.m.) Wednesday Nights (7:00 p.m.) Genesis (Part 2) Miracles of Jesus Fundamentals of the Faith (Part 2) Young Adults: Ephesians Sr. High: World Religions Jr. High: Letters to Christians Survey of the N.T. (Part 2) Bible Geography The Providence of God Ladies: You Can Be Beautiful Sr. High: 1-2 Corinthians Jr. High: Bible Geography
Have Phenomenal Teachers Teachers Who Are Personal Teachers Who Are Loyal Teachers Who Are Scriptural Teachers Who Are Practical Have Phenomenal Students Students Who Welcome the Word Students Who Crave the Word Students Who Search the Word Students Who Everyday the Word Students Who Trust the Word Students Who Obey the Word