(Elektroniese katalogus) (Electronic catalogue) UPExplore (Elektroniese katalogus) (Electronic catalogue) Hoe om boeke, joernale en oudiovisuele materiaal in die Akademiese Inligtingsdiens op te spoor _____________ How to find books, journals and audiovisual material in the Academic Information Service
Om na die Universiteit se tuisblad te gaan tik die volgende adres in die Internet “browser” (Netscape / Explorer), en druk Enter: http://www.up.ac.za To go the University’s Home Page type the following address in the Address Bar of your browser (Netscape / Explorer), and press Enter:
Kies / Choose: AIS / Library
Kies / Choose: Library Catalogue
Kies / Choose: Search Entire Collection
Kies die opsie wat u wil soek / Choose the option you want to search: eg “Author”
Tik die outeur se van & “search”/Type the author’s surname & “search”
‘n Lys van resultate sal verskyn: kies die toepaslike rekord A list of results will be displayed: choose the appropriate record
At which library the book can be found Shelf number
Om na ‘n spesifieke titel te soek / To Search for a specific Title
Gebruik “Keywords” as u onseker is oor ‘n titel Use the “Keywords” option if you are uncertain about the title
Tik soekterm in toepaslike spasie & “search” Type search term in allocated space & “search”
‘n Lys van resultate sal verskyn: kies die toepaslike rekord A list of results will be displayed: choose the appropriate record
Gevorderde soek wyse / Advanced search method
To limit to a specific source type / Om slegs na ‘n spesifieke tipe bron te soek
‘n Lys van resultate sal verskyn: kies die toepaslike rekord A list of results will be displayed: choose the appropriate record
To limit to a specific service unit / Om slegs binne ‘n spesifieke dienseenheid te soek
‘n Lys van resultate sal verskyn: kies die toepaslike rekord A list of results will be displayed: choose the appropriate record
To search for a Journal / Om na ‘n Joernaal te soek
Tik joernaal titel in bv BMJ (British Medical Journal) / Type the journal title eg BMJ (British Medical Journal)
Current Subscriptions
Om ‘n boek te bespreek wat reeds uitgeneem is: To place ‘n hold on a book that has been checked out:
Om u eie biblioteek rekord na te gaan / To view your own library record
Thank You! / Dankie! Christelle Jacobs Universiteit van Pretoria Akademiese Inligtingsdiens Dienseenheid Gesondheidswetenskappe