Lívia Vasas PhD vasas.livia@semmelweis-univ.hu 2018 Central Library of Semmelweis University short history, homepage www.lib.semmelweis.hu (Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) Lívia Vasas PhD vasas.livia@semmelweis-univ.hu 2018
From beginning Up to now 1828- „The Medical Professoriate Library of the Hungarian Royal Pázmány Péter University” Budapest Felső Dunasor 5 2009- Semmelweis University Central Library Budapest Mikszáth Kálmán tér 5
Oldest and largest medical library in Hungary 1828 – 2018 (190 years) Oldest and largest medical library in Hungary 1828 Zsigmond Schordann, gave his own library for the staff of medical faculty, Address: Budapest, Felső Dunasor 5 sz Important data - More donations as special collections - …… - 1861 - 1866 Ignác Semmelweis as librarian - ……. - 2009 - Present address: 1088 Budapest, Mikszáth tér 5
With the handwriting of Semmelweis, about the library's journal stock, in 1856
Inventory of library issued in 1864
Reading Hall Üllői út 26 Ist store 1943 (today: Semmelweis Saloon)
Reading Hall, Üllői út 26 Ist store 1950
Reading Hall, Üllői út 26 Ist store – in bad condition, plastic chairs, etc. 1963-1983 .
Reading Hall Üllői út 26 Ist better conditions 1983-1993
Reading Hall, Üllői út 26 Ist store 1993 November (till 2009)
2009 - Semmelweis Saloon
Semmelweis University, Central Library Mikszáth Kálmán tér 5
Urbán György painter: „Bolygók” (Planets)
Semmelweis University, Central Library Mikszáth Kálmán tér 5 training room (March, 2009)
Semmelweis University Central Library https://lib. semmelweis
Library’s stock 2018 Books: 300 000 volumes old and new books, compulsory and recommended reading Periodicals: 6356 titles (printed: only 124) open access: 2096 https://lib.semmelweis.hu/nav/journals_catalogue Databases: about 49 http://lib.semmelweis.hu/nav/databases
Literature sources: https://lib. semmelweis Literature sources: https://lib.semmelweis.hu/nav/adatbazisok (full text, bibliographic/citation databases, journals)
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