6th Bone Oncology & Tumour Microenvironment Workshop Friday 7th of April 2017 Design Suite (C02) in Portobello (off Mappin Street) 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm PROGRAMME 2-2.15pm Registration + Refreshments 2.15pm Welcome by Ingunn Holen and Shelly Lawson 2.20pm Dr Helen Colley “2D, or not 2D, that is the question” The use of tissue engineered models in head and neck cancer. 2.35pm Dr Robin Young “Clinical and translational studies in sarcoma” 2.50pm Dr Simon Tazzyman “Feed a cold – starve a fever” 3.05-3.35pm Refreshments 3.35-4.00pm “My life in science” – Prof Gill Tozer shares her experience followed by Q&A 4.00-4.15pm Dr Stuart Hunt "Extracellular vesicles: small messengers with a big message" 4.15-4.30pm Dr Michelle Lawson “Bone Anabolics – the good, the bad and the ugly” 4.30pm Discussion, feedback, format for next workshop 4.45pm End & Social gathering To register for **FREE** please contact Gillian Griffiths (g.l.griffiths@sheffield.ac.uk) Closing date Friday 31 March 2017