66th AVENUE GATEWAY DEDICATION Oakland Waterfront Trail Title slide has a white band along the bottom, with DC&E’s logo and name flush right. All other pages have a violet band with the project name in green. Heading text is 20 pt Gil Sans bold. Longer titles can be reduced to 18 pts. Subtitles can be included under the rule at the top. They are smaller in 16 pt regular. If the title is reduced in size, so should the subtitles, so there is sufficient contrast between them. City of Oakland May 28, 2008 D E S I G N , C O M M U N I T Y & E N V I R O N M E N T
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland
66th AVENUE GATEWAY City of Oakland