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Presentation transcript:

CTE Standards Perkins Grant Management System New Perkins Coordinator Training CTE Standards Perkins Grant Management System Presented by: Carolyn Zachry & Hussam Zarea Career Technical Education Administration and Management C-TEAM 1 1

The Career Technical Education (CTE) Model Curriculum Standards are designed to assist teachers in developing high-quality curriculum and instruction to ensure students are both career and college ready and prepare them for their future careers. The revised CTE/MCS help to prepare students for the 21st century. The standards, as you will learn, have been designed to promote integration among programs and to increase relevance and rigor

15 Industry Sectors and 58 Pathways Industry Sectors and Pathways: referenced on Page 7 of the CTE Model Curriculum Standards Executive Summary. 15 Industry Sectors and 58 Pathways 3

New Model CTE Standards Fewer, clearer, deeper Research and evidence based Reasonable in scope Essential, rigorous, clear, specific and coherent Aligned with postsecondary and work expectations Measurable When the state board adopted the common core state standards, the need arose to align the CTE standards with the new common core. Therefore, the new model CTE standards were developed with deliberate parallels to Common Core State Standards. Say something like, “The new standards are fewer clearer and deeper similar to common core, based on research, and aligned with postsecondary and work expectations. They are measurable because college and career readiness demands that career readiness be measured.”

Career Readiness Learning Continuum Employment Industry Specific licensure and certifications Pathway Knowledge and Skills necessary for success in a CTE pathway Industry Sector Anchor Knowledge and Skills common to a particular Industry Sector Standards for Career Ready Practice What ALL students need to know and understand. Note – two areas will be circled. The bottom three levels of the pyramid will be circled first. Give the information for these three levels before clicking to animate the next circle comprised of the top two levels of the pyramid. First level at the bottom of the pyramid: The standards for career ready practice are what all high school students need to be employable and college ready. Second level of the pyramid: The industry sector anchor standards (also known in the CDE document as Knowledge and Performance Anchor Standards) are common across the entire industry sector and are what students in that sector need to understand and apply. They are aligned to the ELA common core state standards as all forms of literacy are critical in every industry sector. Third level of the pyramid: The pathway standards are the next level above the anchor and these are specific to a pathway within that industry sector that leads to a student being career ready. Click to animate the circle for the top two levels The industry specific standards are standards not covered in our document but are specific to industry that might require certification An employer may require additional training beyond the industry certificate. 5

Standards for Career Ready Practice Adapted from the National Common Career Technical Core Align with the Skills for the 21st Century Describe the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to be ready for careers AND college Not exclusive to a career pathway, CTE program of study, a particular discipline, or grade level The Standards for Career Ready Practice are adapted from the National Common Career Technical Core; over 42 states were involved in the development of these practices. The twelve Standards for Career Ready Practice reflect the expectations from business and industry, labor, community, and education representatives from over 40 participating states and align with the CTE anchor standards. These new Standards for Career Ready Practice were adopted for California and based on the “Career Ready Practices” adopted by the Common Career Technical (CCTC). The CCTC practices are posted at: http://www.careertech.org/ These were derived from the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Report first published in the 1990’s.

CTE Anchor Standards Build on the Standards for Career Ready Practice Common across the 15 industry sectors Apply to all pathways within a specific industry sector Anchor Standard 1: Academics, guides users to the sector specific core academic standards related to each industry sector, which are listed in the Alignment Matrix located at the end of each sector section. Anchor standards 2-10 are deliberately aligned to one of the Common Core English Language Arts standards Anchor Standard 11: Demonstration and Application, highlights classroom, laboratory and workplace learning specific to the individual sector and pathways. 7

CTE Anchor Standards RESPONSIBILITY & FLEXIBILITY ACADEMICS COMMUNICATIONS CAREER PLANNING & MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY PROBLEM SOLVING & CRITICAL THINKING HEALTH & SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY & FLEXIBILITY ETHICS & LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES LEADERSHIP & TEAMWORK TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS DEMONSTRATION & APPLICATION Anchor Standards: reference pages 5 & 6 of the CTE Model Curriculum Standards Executive Summary. Anchor Standard 1: Academics, guides users to the sector specific Academic standards related to each industry sector Anchor standards 2-10: Deliberately aligned to one of the Common Core English Language Arts standards, using similar language demonstrating the natural connections between the two subjects. Anchor Standard 11: Demonstration and Application, highlights classroom, laboratory and workplace learning specific to the individual sector and pathways.

3 2 Ask participants to take out their copy of the College & Career Readiness Standards. Tell them that these were used as the basis the Knowledge & Performance Anchor Standards.

MCS Pathway Standards Unique to industry sector Describes what students should know and be able to do Builds from simple to complex knowledge and performance Pathways are NOT courses In notes on Pathway standards – make sure you reference the last section – build from simple to complex – this is where we can refer to vocabulary and Beyond Knowledge Construct

Integration with Common Core State Standards Trainer of trainers – the following 6 slides will discuss how the CTE Standards integrate with the Common Core State Standards including the 12 Standards for Career Ready Practice that ALL students (not just CTE students) should know. The former Foundation standards which are now called the Anchor Standards are common across ALL industry sectors and the Pathway Standards which are specific to each industry. (See notes under each slide for additional information)

Academic Alignment Matrix CCSS Pathway Standards Academic Alignment Matrix Each sector includes an academic alignment matrix that displays where a natural, obvious alignment occurs. Compiled by five teams of academic content experts in collaboration with industry-sector consultants, teachers, and other advisers, the alignment was selected if it was determined that the pathway standard would enhance, reinforce, or provide an application for a specific academic subject standard.   The alignment matrices include the subjects of Common Core English language arts and mathematics standards, history/social studies standards, and Next Generation Science Core Ideas. To assist with further review and implementation, each academic alignment is notated with specific pathway standards codes

Putting it all Together Pathway Standards Anchor Standards Standards for Career Ready Practice Career and College Ready


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