Guided Pathway Update October 5, 2017
Training & Information Sessions All CA CC faculty were Invited by the State Academic Senate to travel to Sacramento to be trained as facilitators at the information sessions. Email sent out in August 2017. Jose Maldonado and I attended the training session in Sacramento on Saturday, 9/23/2017. Learned 1) how to facilitate activities at the info sessions; 2) about the GP grant and how other colleges have been planning the GP project.
Summary Qualifications: 1) attend one information session, 2) complete the self-assessment, 3) complete a work plan. Allocations: Based on Pell grants, FTES, and others (see Chancellor’s office website) Colleges GP status: Colleges are at various stages (advanced to completely new to GP); Example for advanced GP: Bakersfield started in 2014 – their work plan can be used and modified for individual campuses;
Summary Coordination: Administration, faculty, staff, and students; colleges pay stipend or release time to faculty to work mainly on the GP and coordinate with stakeholders (VPs, faculty, staff, students). In addition, other campuses have hired a staff to coordinate the plan with the faculty. To do it correctly (and not for the funding) the core group meets almost every day to design the plan and then meets with the stakeholders once a week. Location: A room is designated to this project to meet and post plans on the walls and brainstorm.
Colleges are expected to implement guided pathways at scale by 2020 Timeline: Self-assessment: November 15th, 2017 (signed by BOT, president, VPs, etc.) Work plan: February 15th, 2018 Colleges are expected to implement guided pathways at scale by 2020