Feedback for Group Discussions Master Copy
Feedback for Group Discussions Be sure to start discussion right away. If someone leaves to get something or use the restroom, there is no need to wait for them. They are the one missing out. With that said, make sure to bring everything you need to class (shows responsibility) and if possible try to use the restroom before class begins (shows planning).
Feedback for Group Discussions Stay on task – you can talk about role responsibilities or other organizational or logistical stuff another time.
Feedback for Group Discussions Be sure to share your role responsibilities with each other (vocab, connections, illustrations, etc.)
Feedback for Group Discussions Discussion of questions – with 12 questions a significant amount of time should spent on your questions. Take time for each member of the group to answer each question supporting answer with evidence from the text.
Feedback for Group Discussions Some people may need a little more time to answer, and that is ok. Tell that person that you will come back to them before moving on to the next question. Don’t let each other off without answering a question.
Feedback for Group Discussions With levels 2-6, generally there is no right or wrong answer, so no one needs to worry about being wrong, but answers should be based on knowledge of the events, characters, and an understanding of the text.
Feedback for Group Discussions Also, if someone does not use textual evidence to support their answer, ask them: “What in the text makes you think that way?”
Feedback for Group Discussions Discussion of themes – you should be maintaining the Culture & Character Worksheet as you are reading. This will help you in discussing themes (also found on your bookmark).