Cessna Equipment
Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) Pitot –Static System Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Altimeter Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) Air-tight sealed case Air-tight sealed case 28.82 28.87 28.90 28.92 29.89 29.92 29.97 30.02 30.05 Air-tight sealed case Pitot—Ram Air Pitot—Static Air Without the Kolzman window, the altimeter is a non-sensitive altimeter. Piper style Pitot-Static Mast With the Kolzman window, the altimeter is a sensitive altimeter. Ram drain at lowest point located inside cabin
Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) Pitot –Static System Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Altimeter Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) Air-tight sealed case Air-tight sealed case Air-tight sealed case Pitot—Ram Air Pitot—Static Air Piper style Pitot-Static Mast Ram drain at lowest point located inside cabin
Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) Pitot –Static System Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Altimeter Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) Air-tight sealed case Air-tight sealed case 28.82 28.87 28.90 28.92 29.89 29.92 29.97 30.02 30.05 Air-tight sealed case Pitot—Ram Air Pitot—Static Air Without the Kolzman window, the altimeter is a non-sensitive altimeter. Piper style Pitot-Static Mast With the Kolzman window, the altimeter is a sensitive altimeter. Ram drain at lowest point located inside cabin
Pitot Drain
Pitot Drain
Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) Pitot –Static System Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Altimeter Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) Air-tight sealed case Air-tight sealed case 28.82 28.87 28.90 28.92 29.89 29.92 29.97 30.02 30.05 Air-tight sealed case Pitot—Ram Air Pitot—Static Air Without the Kolzman window, the altimeter is a non-sensitive altimeter. Piper style Pitot-Static Mast With the Kolzman window, the altimeter is a sensitive altimeter. Ram drain at lowest point located inside cabin Created & animated by Stephanie P. Cruz, CFI-AIM, ATP