Chicago Style… and no, unfortunately we don’t mean pizza. Ms. Harlow’s Class Chicago Style… and no, unfortunately we don’t mean pizza.
Citation gives you credibility and nobility. MLA; stands for Modern Language Association. Highlights Authors APA is used a lot in colleges. It stands for American Psychological Association, highlights the Date.. Chicago Manual Style, or Turabian Style, is 2-way, super-duper method of citation, used mostly for History. You use a footnote spot AND a citation list at the end. This style emphasizes the AUTHOR and the DATE. “Notes and Bibliography Style”
Vocabulary: Bibliographic data: Bits and pieces of information about a work, like the author’s name, the title, the year it was published, etc. *EASYBIB isn’t always easy!
Planning your Research and Organizing your Information Impeccable Processes: -Take down bibliographic data first, then add all your notes from that source, including page#’s. - Once finished with that source, move on to another source and a new notes page. -Create a research folder (preferably electronically) -Use my note-taking sheets and your Google Drive to organize your notes.
Notes and Numbers In-text citation requires both a note-number (that comes at the end of the excerpt) and a footnote. *The citation is not a full citation, those comes at the end. Excerpt is the bit of information, or the note(s) that you took down from a source during your research. *Summarizing others’ thoughts... Footnotes work in what I like to think of as marital relationships with your little numbers and your excerpts from research materials.
Footnotes Footnotes protect YOU, as the writer. -Contain abbreviated version of bibliographic data. -Provide commentary -Insurance against plagiarism
Citing Bibliographic Data in the Footnotes-- Different from the Bibliography!!! Book: #. Firstname Lastname, Title of Book (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number. Website: #. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Webpage,” Publishing Organization or Name of Website in Italics, publication date and/or access date, URL. Gale Source:#. Author(s), “Title of Article,” Title of Publication/Periodical Volume and/or issue number (Date/year): Page Numbers, URL:....
Authors and Titles and Publishers, Oh my! Chicago style for Books: Last name, First name. Title. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year Published. Basic bibliographic info that you need for everything!!! 2 Authors: Last name, First name and First Name Last Name (Tricky!) More than 2 Authors: Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname and Firstname LastName. (See the pattern yet?)
Internet Sources Chicago Style for Websites: Author (or Sponsor/owner). Title. URL. Chicago style for a Webpage: Author. “Title of Page.” Title of Website. URL. Chicago Style for the Online periodicals/Gale Databases: Basically the same as MLA. You can still cite from Gale, just use one of their providers, or switch stuff around,
Brandt, Anthony. "An Unholy Mess." American History 49.5 (2014): 34+. U.S. History in Context. Accessed 7 Sept. 2016. .com/ic/uhic/AcademicJournalsDetailsPage/AcademicJou rnalsDetailsWindow?disableHighlighting=true&displayGrou pName=Journals&currPage=&scanId=&query=&prodId=UHI C&search_within_results=&p=UHIC%3AWHIC&mode=view& catId=&limiter=&display- query=&displayGroups=&contentModules=&action=e&sort By=&documentId=GALE%7CA383327691&windowstate=no rmal&activityType=&failOverType=&commentary=true&sou rce=Bookmark&u=mlin_s_ncahs&jsid=8a3b79f2dbbd07712 2a1e9655f58eb02. Hanging Indent! Added URL
“Rules of Thumb” No Author--> skip right to the title Don’t forget the hanging indent on bibliographies! Ibid. This notation is used when you are using the same note in succession. SAVES TIME! “Ibid., Page #” Footnote numbers count in order in your paper, from the first note to the last: 1, 2, 3, 4, Tables and Charts: Always get titles; source is included in footnotes.
Extra Resources: Purdue OWL-- Good, basic reference to start. UWI Madison Writing Center-- Another online writing center; good for specific issues. This is the Chicago Manual Website. You can sign up for a free 30 day trial; they have an online forum where people discuss issues! Ms. Elich: You may need help quoting a person, a tweet, a video, a ghost--who knows?-- depending on what your topic is, and we can figure out the way to do it!
Setting up your paper, Suggestions: Microsoft Word→ References→ Change drop down to Turabian Style. *PRE-PAPER ORGANIZATION!
Where to Start... This site is the World Digital Library This site is the Digital Public Library of America This site is World Cat: you can find sources at libraries near you!
Databases and Boolean Searches/ Advanced Searching Opposing Viewpoints World Issues in Context Communication and Mass Media Collection The New York Times* The Boston Globe* Check out the additional links, bottom right...
Boolean indicators: AND, OR, NOT/EXCEPT Peanut Butter Jelly
Web Resources to Consider Museums History Channel, or Discovery (educational, “entertainment” companies) National Geographic *Authority, Scholarship, Currency, Bias, Links
Exit Ticket Name one resource you can consult if you get stuck during your paper.