What do you already know about AB 705?
What would you like to know about it?
What have we done so far? Where are we going?
Many, many more students are going directly to English 1A How’s it going so far? Many, many more students are going directly to English 1A
We’ve dramatically minimized disproportionate impact. This is one of the key mandates and one of the goals of AB 705.
How are the students doing? (Really well! And the ones doing best are the ones assessed under the new rules are doing better than the ones assessed under the old rules.)
Summary We’ve dramatically increased access to 1A (a requirement of the law) We’ve minimized disproportionate impact (also a requirement of the law) Students are succeeding under the new placement model (required by law) in higher numbers than the previous placement method
What’s next? This year the big change is the replacement of English 475 and 575 with a new course, English 495. The course blends elements of both of the old courses, but is designed to prepare students for transfer-level English courses. We will carefully monitor both the statistical data and instructors’ experiences this year to assess how this change is impacting our students.
Syllabi Student writing is the primary means of assessment; at least four major essays should be assigned You have some flexibility as to the nature of these assignments; you may choose to structure the course thematically or allow students to pursue their own topics. In English 1A one research paper must be assigned. English 495 should prepare students for the research process. English 495 is titled College Reading and Writing, and instructors should spend significant time teaching reading skills in the context of both student writing and the kinds of texts students will encounter in other college courses. Students in English 1A may require more explicit reading instruction. Success Center Requirements (five hours for 495; three for 1A) should be listed along with deadlines in the syllabus. Follow Faculty Senate and English Department established requirements and best practices.