Topological overlap matrix (TOM) plots of weighted, gene coexpression networks constructed from one mouse studies (A–F) and four human studies including IFA (G–H), NKI (I), HLC (J) and HCC (K). Topological overlap matrix (TOM) plots of weighted, gene coexpression networks constructed from one mouse studies (A–F) and four human studies including IFA (G–H), NKI (I), HLC (J) and HCC (K). Each symmetric heat map with rows and columns as genes represents the network connection strength (as indicated by the different shades of color—from white signifying not significantly correlated to red signifying highly significantly correlated) between any pair of nodes (genes) in the corresponding network. The network connection strength is measured as the topological overlap between genes. The network modules highlighted as color block along the rows and columns (each color block represents a module) were identified via an average linkage hierarchical clustering algorithm using topological overlap as the dissimilarity metric. In each network, the module highlighted with a black box is most enriched with the inflammatome signature. (A) Mouse male adipose, (B) mouse male liver, (C) mouse male muscle, (D) mouse female adipose, (E) mouse female liver, (F) mouse female muscle, (G) mouse male adipose, (H) human female adipose, (I) human breast cancer, (J) human normal liver, (K) human cancer liver. I‐Ming Wang et al. Mol Syst Biol 2012;8:594 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend