Journal Entry Make a list of as many “founding fathers” as you can think of. Then answer … What does it mean to be a founding father
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The Constitutional Convention Supplementary Notes
Fixing the Articles The congressional congress met to revise the Articles of the Confederacy Then they decided to scrap the articles and start over 3 People Presided over the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin – 81 years old and played an active role in the debates over the constitution George Washington – presided over the meeting James Madison – known as the “Father of the Constitution” – because he was the author of the basic plan of government
Decisions and Compromises Virginia Plan Two houses – an upper and lower house based on population Lower elected by the people Upper elected by the lower Executive branch chosen by legislature Judiciary chosen by the legislature
Decisions and Compromises The New Jersey Plan One house – with one delegate from each state Weak executive elected by legislature Congress would have power to tax and regulate trade
Decisions and Compromises Connecticut Compromise House of Representatives – based on population All spending and taxes start in this house House is elected by the people Senate 2 members from each state Senate is elected by the states legislatures (This was changed with the 17 amendment) Amendments = Changes to the Constitution Executive Elected by the electoral college
Decisions and Compromises Three-Fifth’s Compromise 3/5 of the slaves in the south would be counted for taxing and population purposes
Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist Anti-Federalist arguments Extralegal – not sanctioned by law Lacked a Bill of Rights Federalist Arguments Anarchy without a strong central government In order to gain support, the Federalist wrote a Bill of Rights
A New Country George Washington was chosen to be President 22 Senators and 59 representatives elected And 10 Amendments were drafted and ratified – the Bill of Rights – the 1st ten amendments
The Philadelphia Miracle