BR: 5/4/17 What factors led the U.S. to declare war against Britain in 1812?
U.S. History I Ch. 9.4 The War of 1812
Unprepared While War Hawks liked to talk about plans to defeat the British in glorious battle, the truth was a bit more grim. The regular army was just under 7,000 troops. There were another ~75,000 militia from the states, but they were poorly trained. Meanwhile, “Mr. Madison’s War” could not depend on veterans from the Revolutionary War, as many were too old to fight. And of course the many Native American allies that the British had were worrisome. The first true battle of the war was led by Gen. William Hull, who leads an American army (of mostly militia) into Canada from Detroit. They are halted and turned back by the British, as well as their Native American allies, led by Tecumseh and Sir Isaac Brock: VID
Naval Victories The Americans realized that unless they cut off the British supply lines on Lake Erie, they had no real chance of gaining ground in Canada. Gen. William Harrison met with Oliver Hazard Perry was sent to confront them, and the British and Americans met on September 10, 1813: SV VID After defeating the British on Lake Erie, the British attempt to retreat. This ends in the Battle of the Thames, with many of the British and Native Americans getting killed, but most importantly, Tecumseh is killed as well, a huge blow to their side. VID The Americans do not however win many more battles in Canada, ending in a standoff. Under Andrew Jackson, they do however defeat the Creek Indian tribe in 1814, who had been allies of Tecumseh in the Mississippi Territory, in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, effectively ending much of the Indian resistance in the war.
The British Offensive The British Strike back, however. By the spring of 1814, the British had defeated Napoleon in Europe, and could send more troops and leaders to fight in America. They quickly landed in August 1814, and overwhelmed the militia and captured the new capital, Washington, D.C. and burned much of it to the ground. VID Meanwhile, the Americans had holed up in nearby Baltimore, MD, with over 13,000 militia troops and Fort McHenry. The British left the capital, and attacked. LV VID The song written by Francis Scott Key, the Star- Spangled Banner, would become our national anthem, an honor to the tenacity of the American defenders. Anthem Handout
End of the War Meanwhile, the last major battle that affected the war occurred in the North, where Gen. Sir George Prevost led 10,000 troops south to capture Plattsburgh, a key city on Lake Champlain in Sept. 1814. It was a decisive and crucial battle: VID Thus the Treaty of Ghent was signed after word arrived in December, 1814. However, before word got back that the war was over, the British launched one last January attack in the Battle of New Orleans. Andrew Jackson led the defense, organizing anyone who might fight, including militia, slaves, creoles, Indians, and even pirates into an army. VID After this terrific victory, much of the nation came together. The Federalists, who had grumbled against the war, were seen by many as un-American, and their power was weakened. Jackson was a hero, and would use that reputation to later become president in 1828.
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