Study Tips Study block
Good notes! A binder per class Date the notes you take and label them with the unit you are studying. Listen to what the instructor says and write down the gist of it. If they point out, or use a word you do not know, write it down! Use an outline format to take the notes – Cornell is the bomb! If you are confused, RAISE YOUR HAND!
Review your notes 30 minutes a day looking over your notes for your classes. Research says “looking at new material within 24 hours helps you remember 60% more!” Look for things that confused you or didn’t write down fully – write them as questions at the end of the section of notes so you can ask your teacher next class! Highlight and look over vocabulary words – most useful way to use your time.
Textbooks Skim the chapters – look at headings and bolded words. See if you should add anything to your notes. Look at the questions at the end of the chapter BEFORE reading. These questions were written by people who decided what was most important – USE THEM!! Read the textbook! Make sure you understand it. Write down things you do not understand in a question format to ask your teacher later. After the class using the chapter in the textbook has passed, go back and skim the chapter again! Now read the textbook again!
How to study for a Test Use the information as often as possible. Look at it, draw pictures in the margins. Spend 5 minutes each day going back over the notes. Highlight major topics, and subtopics. If your notes are in Cornell note form, quiz yourself! Look for Big Ideas, then details. Example : Reforms = changes in society, a yearning for freedom, or protection. Changes to TSA protocol is what type of reform? Freedom or protection based? Take a practice test online. NEVER PULL AN ALL NIGHTER!!! – go to bed so you get a full night’s rest. DO NOT CRAM – jot down a few facts or vocab terms you have had trouble with then take a look at those again before the test.
Things NOT to do Miss an exam – by missing an exam you simply put off the inevitable. You will only fall behind, and then do worse on the exam. Throw stuff away – keep everything! Get a folder/binder for the class and keep everything! Study in front of the TV – soft music in your quiet space is fine, but pick something you can mindlessly tune out. Music without words is best if possible. Keep your eyes on your notes. Put the phone away for 30 minutes and make sure it is silent – no buzzing, dinging, or bazingas during study time.