Seeing the Doctor Section 3
Seeing the Doctor The Doctor will come in to see you He or she will want to examine your breasts If you have any questions you can ask the doctor
Can I take someone with me ? You may be able to take a friend, support worker or family member with you You can ask one of the staff if that is ok
What happens next? The Doctor will show you your x-rays He or she will look at and feel your breasts This is ok
Why do they need to feel my breast? The Doctor will look at your x-ray and compare what he or she can feel
Why do I need all the tests? Taking more pictures and having the other tests means the Doctor can get a lot more information Most of the time the Doctors and Nurses can tell if things are ok
Can you tell me if I am ok? They may be able to tell you if everything is ok on the same day Sometimes they need to do other tests This may be an ultrasound scan or a biopsy