Humanities 251 Exam I: Ancient Greece Fall 2008
Part I: Images Directions: Identify the image as either proto-geometric, geometric, early, later, or mid archaic, classical, or hellenistic (2 pts), give the time span for that period (1 pt), and identify two specific reasons why (2 pts).
Part II: Quick Identification Directions: give complete information as requested for dates, names, events, styles (3 pts) and reason why important (2 pts)
Archaic Period
Poleponnesian Warss
Death of Socrates
Three features of Archaic style:
Thought fire the essential substance of universe and why important:
Xenophanes asked this paradoxical question and why important:
Chief Warrior of the Trojans, who killed him and why:
Two goddesses favoring the Greek cause and why important:
How many times does antigone ‘bury’ her brother and why important:
Hellenistic period and why it is called “istic”:
What two men from the Illiad are love interests of Helen?
Archaic Period and why important
All drama and plays in ancient Greece and elsewhere grew out of what cultural institution?
Part II: Essays One essay you have already written (50 pts). For the 20 minute essay to write today (50 pts), remember to organize your thoughts into an introductory paragraph, proof paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the conclusion, speculate as to why it is important for us to know the information you provide. Here is the question:
Using at least two of the works we have read this term, consider the relationship that characters within the works have to their gods. How do those relationships differ? How are they the same? What do the relationships allow us to say about the characters, the works, the period? How does any of this pertain to us today? Be specific, organized, and thoughtful. Good luck!