Using Data to Make Decisions PBIS Meeting September 2009
The Infamous Triangle What we need to do as a team is to look a group data and determine what falls in the green (core) zone, the yellow (strategic) zone, and the red (intensive) zone. Goal is to have 80-85% of student needs being met in the green zone, via the core instruction/program, 10-15% of the students in the yellow zone; 10% or less in the red zone.
What do we do if we are not meeting our goals?
Steps of Problem Solving Process Problem Identification: What is the discrepancy between what is expected and what is occurring? Is there a problem? What information do we have to support that problem? Can we make a discrepancy statement?
Steps of Problem Solving Process Problem Analysis: Why is the problem occurring? Why do we think the problem is occurring? Must have some quantitative data to support the “why.” Generate some hypotheses and choose one that is best supported and alterable.
Steps of Problem Solving Process Plan Development What is the goal? What is the intervention plan to address the goal? How will progress be monitored? Set a goal, create a specific plan (who, what, when, where, how), and determine how progress will be monitored toward that goal.
Steps of Problem Solving Process Plan Implementation: How will implementation integrity be ensured? How will we ensure our plan was implemented with integrity?
Steps of Problem Solving Process Plan Evaluation: Is the intervention plan effective? Come back to review data and see if the numbers have changed with regard to the students