The Mayas In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: Mayas Farming Techniques of the Mayas Religious beliefs of the Mayas Class Hierarchy of the Mayas Accomplishments of the Mayas
The Mayas lived in southern Mexico and Guatemala.
The Mayas From about 250 A.D., the Mayas built a civilization in present-day Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico. The Mayas developed an advanced civilization in Central America.
Under difficult geographic circumstances, the Mayas farmed successfully and built beautiful cities.
Agriculture The Mayas drained swamps to farm. The Mayas erected platforms for farming in the rain forest. The Mayas irrigated their fields of corn, beans, and other plants to produce agricultural surpluses.
It was difficult land to farm on but Mayan farming techniques produced agricultural surpluses.
Religion The Mayas were polytheists. They believed in many gods. A large temple pyramid stood in the middle of every Mayan city. Cities were religious centers.
The Mayas lived in city-states. The city-states never united. A large temple pyramid stood in the middle of each city.
I took this picture of the same pyramid
That’s me in front of the pyramid!!
Mayan artwork
Another Pyramid
Mayan Ruins still stand today!
Trade The Mayas traded extensively. Traders sold salt, honey, cotton, bird feathers, food, and slaves. The Mayas profited greatly from trade.
Trade was very important to the Mayas.
The Class Hierarchy The Mayas divided themselves into three groups. Rulers were the most powerful members of society followed by warriors and priests. Artisans, merchants, peasants, and slaves were the least powerful members of society.
The Mayas invented a calendar.
Accomplishments The Mayas invented a calendar. The Mayas invented a mathematical system based on the number 20. The Mayas studied astronomy and built pyramids.
Questions for Reflection: Who were the Mayas and where did they live? Why is it surprising that the Mayas produced agricultural surpluses? Why did the Mayas build pyramids? What did the Mayas trade? List several accomplishments of the Mayas.