The Fall of the Rome Empire Chapter 6 section 4
Key Terms Inflation Mercenary Diocletian Constantinople Attila
The Empire Weakens Weak Leaders No strong leaders Civil wars Increased threat of invasion in east and the west Empires demands and military cause economic crisis
The Empire Weakens Empire became military dictatorship Deposed emperors and put in their own leaders 20 emperors ruled between 235-284
Economic Troubles Robbery and piracy increased No conquests no new wealth Minted coins with less silver Inflation-dramatic rise in prices
Military and Political Turmoil Third century AD military in disarray Became less disciplined and loyal Allegiance was to commander not Rome Mercenaries-foreign soldiers who fought for money Feelings of loyalty weakened amongst the citizens
Attempts at Reform Diocletian 284 BC Changed emperor to absolute monarchy Ruled accountable to no one Divided empire in two He ruled eastern Both emperors called Caesars
Attempts at Reform Diocletian Forced society into rigid order Sons follow trades and social positions of their father Peasants permanently tied to the land Increased the army Defense received the most attention
Attempts at Reform Economy under state control New tax system Saved empire from economic collapse
Constantine Constantine Decided to abdicate 305 BC 312 BC restored order Kept state control Supported Christianity Built capitol to Constantinople Better able to defend was richer
Invasion and Fall Germanic tribes raided Rome’s frontiers 300’s the Huns came from the east Huns formed vast empires Visigoths were frightened 410 King Alaric sacked Rome
Invasions and Fall Huns pushed more tribes towards roman Empire Vandals attacked Rome 450 Destroyed everything in their pathAttila led
Invasion and Fall Attila led attack on Gaul Roman Army allied with the Visigoths Defeated Huns in 451 Attila withdrew from Gaul turned to Rome Pope Leo persuaded Attila to avoid Rome
Fall of the West Germanic tribes ruled the western provinces Odoacer overthrew the last emperor 14 year old boy Romulus Augustus Eastern Empire still strong Became Byzantine Empire