The Australian mineral occurrence data model


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Presentation transcript:

The Australian mineral occurrence data model Adele Seymon for the TEAM…

GGIC Mineral Occurrence working group

Why? Deliver data through the Australian Geoscience Portal - RELEVANT TO YOU, THE EXPLORERS! How? Permit data transfer between organisations Develop a standard data model Develop standard vocabularies

Organisation specific Access, Excel, Proprietary GIS Systems (Data Services) Syntax (Data Language) Schematic (Data Structure) Semantic (Data Content) interoperability What? Current ‘Systems’ Organisation specific Few standards Access, Excel, Proprietary GIS Files, DVD, CD GeoSciML System Controlled Vocabularies Mineral Occurrences, GeoSciML, O&M GML, XML WFS, WMS, WCS

How? Extension of GeoSciML Based on other international standards Real-world objects classified into types based on a characteristic set of properties

Mineral Occurrence Mineral System Mapped Feature Earth Resource Material Mineral Deposit Model e.g. komatiite hosted nickel Ore Measure Resource Reserve Endowment Commodity Mine Product Mining Activity

(Geoscience Markup Language) «FeatureType» GeologicFeature::GeologicFeature + observationMethod: CGI_TermValue [1..*] purpose: DescriptionPurpose = instance GeologicFeature::MappedFeature positionalAccuracy: CGI_Value EarthResource sourceReference: CI_Citation [0..*] «estimatedProperty» dimension: EarthResourceDimension [0..1] expression: CGI_TermValue [0..*] form: CGI_TermValue [0..*] linearOrientation: CGI_LinearOrientation [0..*] planarOrientation: CGI_PlanarOrientation [0..*] shape: CGI_TermValue [0..*] «DataType» SupergeneProcesses depth: CGI_Numeric [0..1] material: EarthMaterial [0..*] type: CGI_TermValue [0..1] MineralOccurrence type: MineralOccurrenceTypeCode MineralSystem associationType: CGI_TermValue MineralDepositModel mineralDepositGroup: ScopedName [1..*] mineralDepositType: ScopedName [0..*] EarthResourceMaterial earthResourceMaterialRole: ERMaterialRoleCode material: EarthMaterial proportion: CGI_Value [0..1] MiningActivity activityDuration: TM_Period activityType: MiningActivityTypeCode oreProcessed: CGI_Numeric [0..1] Mine endDate: TM_Instant [0..1] mineName: MineNamePreference [1..*] startDate: TM_Instant [0..1] status: MineStatusCode Product productName: CGI_TermValue sourceReference: CI_Citation [1..*] grade: CGI_Numeric [0..1] production: CGI_Numeric [0..1] recovery: CGI_Numeric [0..1] Commodity commodityGroup: ScopedName [0..*] commodityName: ScopedName commodityImportance: ImportanceCode [0..1] commodityRank: Integer [0..1] OreMeasure calculationMethod: CharacterString date: TM_GeometricPrimitive proposedExtractionMethod: CGI_TermValue [0..1] ore: CGI_Numeric Endowment includesReserves: Boolean [0..1] includesResources: Boolean [0..1] Reserve category: ReserveCategoryCode Resource category: ResourceCategoryCode GeologicAge::GeologicEvent eventAge: CGI_Value eventEnvironment: CGI_TermValue [0..*] eventProcess: CGI_TermValue [1..*] CommodityMeasure commodityAmount: CGI_Numeric [0..1] cutOffGrade: CGI_Numeric [0..1] EarthMaterial «Type» EarthMaterial::InorganicFluid RawMaterial rawMaterialRole: RawMaterialRoleCode +feature +geologicHistory 0..* +fluidDescription 1 +composition +classification 0..1 +geneticDescription +supergeneModification +resourceExtraction +deposit +child +parent +specification Description +occurrence +measureDetails 1..* +relatedMine +preferredAge +oreAmount +commodityOfInterest +sourceCommodity +source +commodityDescription +producedMaterial +relatedActivity +associatedMine GeoSciML (Geoscience Markup Language) UML model Mineral Occurrences extension of GeoSciML

EarthResourceMaterial geologicHistory GeologicEvent eventAge eventEnvironment eventProcess GeologicFeature observationMethod purpose MappedFeature observationMethod positionalAccuracy Description preferredAge InorganicFluid EarthResource sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape parent child fluidDescription SupergeneProcesses depth material type geneticDescription MineralSystem associationType supergeneModification source classification MineralDepositModel mineralDepositGroup mineralDepositType composition MineralOccurrence type EarthResourceMaterial earthResourceMaterialRole material proportion commodityDescription IGNORES HUMAN INTERACTION Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank

Carboniferous? Drillhole: A001 Avebury nickel deposit Arc related No geologicHistory preferredAge GeologicEvent GeologicFeature::MappedFeature Drillhole: A001 Carboniferous? InorganicFluid fluidDescription MineralOccurrence Avebury nickel deposit geneticDescription SupergeneProcesses No MineralSystem Arc related supergeneModification source classification composition MineralDepositModel EarthResourceMaterial Remobilised NiS? Ophiolite-arc? Host rock: serpentinite; Primary ore: pentlandite commodityDescription Commodity HUMAN INTERACTION Nickel

Avebury near mine magnetics Source: Allegiance Mining N.L. China Mining Presentation Nov 2007

Carboniferous? Drillhole: A001 Avebury nickel deposit Arc related? No geologicHistory preferredAge GeologicEvent GeologicFeature::MappedFeature Drillhole: A001 Carboniferous? InorganicFluid fluidDescription MineralOccurrence Avebury nickel deposit geneticDescription SupergeneProcesses No MineralSystem Arc related? supergeneModification source classification composition MineralDepositModel EarthResourceMaterial Remobilised NiS? Host rock: serpentinite; Primary ore: pentlandite commodityDescription Commodity HUMAN INTERACTION Nickel

GeoSciML Earth Material class ConstituentPart proportion role MaterialRelation relationship sourceRole targetRole EarthMaterial target source color purpose part InorganicFluid Mineral mineralName CompoundMaterial compositionCategory geneticCategory

Avebury minersalisation Source: Allegiance Mining N.L. Diggers and Dealers Presentation Aug 2005

Key points Describes Mineral Occurrences independent of human activities NiS mineral occurrence Caters for description of Min Occ using: Mineral Deposit Models (e.g. remobilised NiS) Mineral Systems (Geodynamic context) Crustal processes Requires use of controlled vocabularies

Key points cont. Utilises GeoSciML Mapped Feature to describe spatial representation Utilises GeoSciML Earth Material to describe host and associated materials

Controlled vocabularies – examples Deposit expression (e.g. Gossan, mag high, gravity low) Deposit shape and form (e.g. stratabound)

EarthResource Endowment OreMeasure CommodityMeasure MineralOccurrence sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape parent child Endowment includesReserves includesResources oreAmount OreMeasure calculationMethod date dimension proposedExtractionMethod sourceReference estimatedProperty:ore source measureDetails CommodityMeasure commodityAmount cutOffGrade grade MineralOccurrence type commodityDescription commodityOfInterest Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank Resource category includesReserves Reserve category

RawMaterial EarthResource MiningActivity Product MineralOccurrence parent RawMaterial material proportion rawMaterialRole child EarthResource sourceReference dimension expression form linearOrientation planarOrientation shape composition deposit resourceExtraction source MiningActivity activityDuration activityType oreProcessed Product productName sourceReference grade production recovery producedMaterial MineralOccurrence type relatedActivity commodityDescription Commodity commodityGroup commodityName commodityImportance commodityRank associatedMine relatedMine Mine endDate mineName sourceReference startDate status sourceCommodity

Controlled vocabularies – more examples Measurement categories (i.e. grade, tonnage) MiningActivityCodeList (e.g. Open pit/underground) MineStatusCodeList (e.g. Operating, abandoned)

Future work Model needs the Mineral Systems part developed Source: melt composition, physical properties, metal endowment Pathways: propagation, complexity, flow regime Traps: efficiency, periodicity, scale

Future work and limitations 6 of 7 surveys have mapped their databases to the Mineral Occurrence domain model Awaiting development of software to allow delivery Industry and software vendors need to adopt